1 – Starting point.
2 – The road to the North.
3 – Enemy ambush.
4 – The building side for the second refinery.
5 – The wall.
6 – Abandoned Large Hub with Tank Attachment.
7 – Human Fortifications.
8 – Human Base.
Primary objectives:
- Find and destroy the enemy base.
Secondary objectives:
- Build a mining outpost.
- Build a Predator using the Large Hub
You start in the bottom0left corner of the map [1]. First, build a refinery, and then a Small Factory. Create, at least, five Commandos and Raptors. During the creation process, you will be attacked. The enemy forces are small so, you should not have too much problems with them.
Gather your army and take the only passage to the North [2]. In the bushes [3], you may encounter a small group of opponents. They are not too strong, but they may decimate your forces, by attacking by surprise. From there, go north, towards the corner of the map. Eliminate the single enemy units. In the marked area [4], build a Small Hub and destroy the Catalyst Vent Plug blocking your access to the resources. To the Small Hub, attach a refinery and a Small Factory.
While constructing a new base, produce new units. With 10 Commando and Raptor units, head towards the second thickets. To the South of it, you reach a wall [5]. Lay your fire on it, while hiding in bushes. The enemy should send his forces your way. Defeat them and make a breach in the wall. Move along.
You will reach a destroyed outpost with a Large Hub and a Tank Attachment [6] attached. Eliminate the nearby enemy units that are destroying the walls. If you want to, you can man turrets. Attach the factory to the Large Hub and produce, at least, one Predator. You also find a Repair Pad there, if you want to repair the units damaged in the battle.
Increase your forces to, at least, 30 units of each type, including several Predators. Do not rely on Predators only, because producing them is too time consuming and the mission is over soon anyways. From the third base [6] go northwards. You will reach enemy fortifications [7].
First, destroy the turret and then, the units that have been guarding it. After that, move your armies to the North-West, towards the enemy base [8]. Destroy three more turrets and then, the enemy's key structures - factories, refineries and the Core.