Walkthrough | Chapter 25: The Furnace (pt. 2) GoW: Ascension Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
After the last jump, you get into the Furnace again. Approach the gearwheel and rotate it to open the gate. Go through it to the next room and turn a wheel which controlled the platform.
Floor will change into an elevator and go up. When you stop, enemies start appearing. You have to feed a fire in the middle of elevator with them. The easiest thing to do is to grab the demonic hounds and throw them. Situation complicates when you have only armored Satyrs. Firstly, you have to deprive them of armor and then grab.
After throwing few enemies, floor will shake and part of it collapses. Run onto a square grills and wait until the elevator gets you on the very top.
Nearby, you find a lever. Go left from it to find a Statue Worker's Idol.
Now return to lever, push it right and block it with Orkos' Stone. Then go to unblocked gearwheel and rotate it.
After a cut scene, you move up again and have to feed the fire again. After every throw be prepare that the burning parts of the floor may change. You'll fight here also fire Talos. When they attack from the air, try to hit them into the fire on the middle - you just need to jump over it just before his landing.
But it isn't necessary, you can feed the fire with other enemies. After few of them, fire stops and floor collapses. It means that elevator will get to the top in a moment.
When the elevator stops, finish remaining enemies, collect all four chests and enter the lit room.