Second fight with the Hand of Hecatonchires | Chapter 3: The Guard House GoW: Ascension Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
After a short cut scene you will fight another Hand of Hecatonchires. This encounter has three phases.
First and second phases are very similar to itself, the one thing that changes is the frequency of boss' attacks and space you can move within. At the beginning arena has three parts: left, middle and right. Boss will mostly attack by putting a claw in the ground and moving it to his second hand. You can avoid it simply by jumping over the claw or running away. After every attack you have a time for attack him. You can elongate this time by running from left to right and backwards, making few quick blows on your way. Its goal is to force boss to shift position many times.
The other boss attack is closing Kratos between widely spread limbs and attacking him with shorter ones. Avoid those until you see boss performing a swing.
After a proper amount of damage, a white arc will be lit over his head, what means that you have to run up and make a grab. It proceeds you to the second phase with smaller arena. Enemy will have the same attacks, but as the space gets smaller, it'd be tougher to force him to shift position. He'll also be sending groups of parasites at you. Continue the actions from the first phase.
After grabbing him again, the arena will be even more decreased and the last phase of the encounter begins. He'll be summoning parasites all the time and attack you with short claws. Your main task is to destroy the insects - but when you eliminate one wave, boss will summon the next one. Keep moving to avoid boss attacks. The best way is to jump over the swarm and attack boss from the air. The final blow comes when the red arc appears over boss head.
Standing at beast's corpses (you can approach them and read a short description) go to the corridor on left. Open the red chest and move to a small chamber.
Use a lever in the middle and open the red chest. If you stop at a glowing part of the floor, you can watch a painting on the wall. Return to boss and go into the chamber to go through recently opened gate.
You'll get into a room with elevator, meet Fury again and get attacked by enemies. There are no threat for you.
Before you get to a mechanism marked with a white light, go to the left side of the room and jump onto a platform with red chest. After that return and use an elevator.
Going up, defeat few dog-like enemies. When the area is cleared, move to the glowing points and lift blockades to move higher.
Again the four legs. When Fury blocks the elevator, destroys all enemies and catch onto a wall on which it runs.
On the wall, run away from the roller. Your path is sticking out beams, which are much lighter than the rest of the wall. To make longer pauses between them use jump without stopping the climbing. To make it easier, you can press Jump button all the way.
After finishing the climb, pick up Letter from the Scribe of Hecatonchires open green chest and use a ladder.