Job for Robert Ramsey | Hidden memories Get Even Guide
Last update: 27 June 2017
In this page you can see the board for "Job for Robert Ramsey" memory in Get Even as well as information on how to reach the room with a hidden memory. You can also learn about its content.
The evidence board for "The Kidnapping" memory is presented in the picture above. Notice the two different posters that, on first glance, look the same. The first poster can be found near lobby (in a few different places) and the second one after using the elevator that takes you to twelfth floor. It is also worth to mention that killing enemies can help you in finding some secrets (except the underground parking - you won't find any tracks there).
In our game the code was 1856 but because of randomness of many of the game's elements you can receive another combination. Warning - Don't try to use a combination because the game won't allow you to do it unless you get all tracks.
This secret room is not hard to find because you can come across it right after you start this memory that is when you go through the severs. During your exploration of this location you must look for the metal door presented in the picture (you find them before you reach the room with valves and hot gas).
Inside of the secret room you can find a cabinet that can be scanned. This gives you a shotgun that is now added to your arsenal (you can go back to the arsenal in the evidence room inside of Black's mind and take this weapon if you want to use it in other memories). Inside of the secret room you can also find a TV. When you interact with it you can listen to a conversation between Lenore and Ramsey.