Jasper's Dying Minutes | Hidden memories Get Even Guide
Last update: 27 June 2017
In this page you can see the board for "Jasper's Dying Minutes" memory in Get Even as well as information on how to reach the room with a hidden memory. You can also learn about its content.
The evidence board for "Jasper's Dying Minutes" memory is presented in the picture above. In this memory you can find various tracks - documents, newspapers and photos. There aren't many of them but despite of that you must examine the areas carefully so you won't miss any of the secrets.
In our game the code was 0482 but because of randomness of many of the game's elements you can receive another combination. Warning - Don't try to use a combination because the game won't allow you to do it unless you get all tracks.
The secret room can only be found when you reach the warehouse presented in the picture above. In default, there are many enemies here. Eliminating all of them will make your task easier.
Regardless of your actions towards the enemies you can go to the opposite end of the warehouse's main part. The secret room's entrance is on the left side under the balconies with yellow stairs, you can see them in the picture above. A few steps further you can find the metal gate with an electronic lock, presented in the picture (this place can be found before reaching the place where you solve the puzzle with an out of order elevator). Enter the code that unlocks the gate. Inside of the secret room you can find a cabinet that can be scanned. This gives you a crossbow that is now added to your arsenal (you can go back to the arsenal in the evidence room inside of Black's mind and take this weapon if you want to use it in other memories).
Inside of the secret room you can also find a TV. When you interact with it you can listen to a conversation between Ramsey and Lenore.