The best mods for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – January 2017 Edition

Although mod support is not the biggest asset of The Witcher 3, there’s still an active modder community surrounding the game by CD Projekt RED. Check out the best fan-made mods that came out since the release of The Wild Hunt.

Christopher Mysiak

18 months after the release and no one can argue the following statement: The Witcher 3 has lost the battle for mod support. As soon as the gamers where done doing everything CD Projekt had prepared for them to do, Velen, Novigrad, and Skellige should have burst with countless new fan-made adventures. Except they didn’t. The devs had dropped the ball by releasing a toy that is the MODkit instead of a set of modding tools that would be worth its salt. And so I begin with an apology, my dear readers, because you will probably be disappointed with a lack of mods offering new locations or large-scale quests – unfortunately The Witcher 3 simply doesn’t bend that way.

With that said, it’s not like The Wild Hunt is an object of universal hatred of modders. On the contrary, it’s surrounded by a sizable and quite active modding community that’s doing wonders with the game’s stubborn code. Every week sees new mods that replace character or item models, enhance visuals, change some gameplay aspects and even strive to slightly expand the game (hard as it may be, it’s not entirely impossible). So, assuming you don’t get your hopes up too high, you have a good chance to find some interesting things in this article.

TABLE OF CONTENTS... if you’re too busy to look for them yourself:

  1. Preparations – before you start downloading

New content / Quests

  1. The Daily Monster Hunt Challenge – new adventures ersatz -> HERE
  2. Witcher Book Collection – more books to read -> HERE
  3. Forgotten Worlds – revisit fantastic worlds -> HERE

Gameplay mechanics

  1. Random Encounters – even more dangerous trail -> HERE
  2. Better Call Ciri – second playable character -> HERE
  3. Gwent Plus Plus – Gwent: Enhanced Edition -> HERE
  4. Skilled Humans – the bandits learn how to handle a sword -> HERE

Useful stuff

  1. The Gwent Card Dealer – buy ‘em all! -> HERE
  2. All Quest Objectives on Map – the most useful small mod -> HERE


  1. Extra Animations – not very useful, but utterly awesome -> HERE
  2. Witcher 2 Gear – so classy! -> HERE
  3. Lore-friendly Witchers – less-friendly (looking) witchers -> HERE


  1. Immersive Cam – The Witcher 3 in FPP, and all your camera might wish for -> HERE
  2. The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project – textures sharp as a witcher’s sword -> HERE

One more thing, before you proceed – remember that this is not our first article dedicated exclusively to Witcher 3 mods. If you know of a good mod that wasn’t included in our list, it’s likely because we’ve ALREADY covered it (or something very similar). This concerns mods such as:

  1. Better Combat Enhanced;
  2. E3FX;
  3. Extreme Weather Conditions;
  4. Friendly HUD;
  5. Slots, Slots, Slots;
  6. Super Turbo Lighting;
  7. Ultra Low.

It is possible, though, that we simply missed something (there are thousands of Witcher 3 mods after all). If that’s the case, don’t forget to tell us about the mod in the comments.

Each of the mods included in our list has been tested on the 1.31 version of the game from (standard, not GotY edition) with all DLCs. As not all of them are 100% compatible, I’ve tried, where possible, to note which mods may interfere with each other.

Christopher Mysiak

Author: Christopher Mysiak

Associated with since 2013, first as a co-worker, and since 2017 - a member of the Editorial team. Currently the head of the Game Encyclopedia. His older brother - a game collector and player - sparked his interest in electronic entertainment. He got an education as a librarian/infobroker - but he did not follow in the footsteps of Deckard Cain or the Shadow Broker. Before he moved from Krakow to Poznan in 2020, he was remembered for attending Tolkien conventions, owning a Subaru Impreza, and swinging a sword in the company's parking lot.