The Gwent Card Dealer – buy ‘em all!. The best mods for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – January 2017 Edition

Christopher Mysiak

The Gwent Card Dealer – buy ‘em all!

The Gwent Card Dealer:
  1. Creator: mangekyoumadara1987
  2. Size: 0.04 MB
  3. Release date: December 2015
  4. Current version: final build (June 2016)

The cards are scattered all over the game world, so completing decks in gwent requires dozens upon dozens of hours of playing. If you’d like to give a quick try to a different deck than the Northern Realms (or you just don’t have the patience to dash across the whole Novigrad to find a single card) then what will you do? Then, dear friend, you should go and download The Gwent Card Dealer, which allows you to purchase all existing cards (also from the Skellige deck) from a single merchant – the quartermaster in the Crow’s Perch.

The idea is simple (the relentless completionists will surely find it despicable), but the creator of the mod has made sure that this mod isn’t just a fancier way of using a command in the debug console: in the vanilla mod, the rarest cards (those obtainable via quests) are only available if Geralt reaches the required level (35 for the core game, 50 for Blood and Wine content). This is also a pretty expensive venture – it may not fit Geralt’s pocketbook.

  1. Download this mod from

Installation guide

The mod is described as incompatible with the newest edition of the game, but you shouldn’t worry too much – it work’s like a charm with version 1.31.

  1. First, you have to decide which version of the mod you want: the one with the level restrictions I mentioned above (in that case choose the upper file), or without them – the lower file.
  2. Regardless of which one you decide to get, export the file to the “Mods” folder, in the game’s directory. (Alternatively, use the Nexus Mod Manager).

The Gwent Card Dealer is in conflict with Witcher Book Collection and Gwent Plus Plus by default – but you can use all three simultaneously; the Script Merger will help with that. Obviously, the quartermaster will not sell you the cards added by the Gwent Plus Plus mod.

Christopher Mysiak

Author: Christopher Mysiak

Associated with since 2013, first as a co-worker, and since 2017 - a member of the Editorial team. Currently the head of the Game Encyclopedia. His older brother - a game collector and player - sparked his interest in electronic entertainment. He got an education as a librarian/infobroker - but he did not follow in the footsteps of Deckard Cain or the Shadow Broker. Before he moved from Krakow to Poznan in 2020, he was remembered for attending Tolkien conventions, owning a Subaru Impreza, and swinging a sword in the company's parking lot.