Greyhawk: The Temple of Elemental Evil. 10 iconic RPGs beging for remakes

Marek Jura

Greyhawk: The Temple of Elemental Evil

  1. Year of release: 2003
  2. Perspective: 2D with 3D elements

Although Troika Games studio is famous primarily for its remarkable stories and intriguing characters, in the case of The Temple of Elemental Evil , the plot isn't one of the greatest advantages. Just another story of some sort of evil that can be eradicated by killing everything and everyone in your path, or you can participate in the sowing of chaos. And the whole thing happens in the eponymous temple.

The plot, based on an extremely simple idea did not prevent the Temple of Elemental Evil from becoming one of the iconic RPGs of those years. This was mainly due to well-thought-out turn-based combat system and original enemies to defeat. Maybe it had to be done in a simplistic way, but, at least up to a point, it didn't feel derivative.

At the beginning, this production scared players with technical flaws. After years, fans managed to fix everything, and even add a few novelties, but there's no point hiding it – the game's biggest problem was that it just kept crashing. It's a pity, because in terms of graphics, The Temple of Elemental Evil looks good even today.

  1. The Temple of Elemental Evil in our encyclopedia


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Marek Jura

Author: Marek Jura

In 2016, he graduated in philology at UAM. Since then, he has been reviewing prose, poetry, movies, series, and video games for He took his first steps in the journalism industry as a newsman in a local tabloid. He ran his own company - he designed, created, tested, and sold board games. He published several short stories and is also preparing his debut volume of poetry. Trains martial arts. A feminist, vegan, fan of pineapple on pizza, cat lover, dislikes Bethesda and Amazon, likes Lovecraft, Agents of SHIELD, P:T, Beksiński, Hollow Knight, performance, abstract art, game mods and dumplings.