Icewind Dale II

Icewind Dale II


Release Date: August 27, 2002

RPG, fantasy, isometric view, Dungeons & Dragons, co-op, classic RPG, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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Continuation of Icewind Dale, the hit cRPG created by Black Isle Studios. The plot once again takes players to the freezing northern lands of the world of Forgotten Realms. This time we will have to face the Goblinoids who, united under one banner, decided to take over the civilized Ten Towns. The mechanism of the game is based on the solutions of the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons system.

Icewind Dale II is a sequel to Icewind Dale, a hit RPG by Black Isle Studios, in which we go back to the freezing lands of the Forgotten Realms. In Icewind Dale II, we will journey completely new locations and discover previously unknown, dark labyrinths. This time around, we will have to face Goblinoids who, united under one banner, decided to take over the civilized Ten Towns. The first to be attack was the city of Targos. The player and his party have to rise up to the challenge and stop the attack of Goblinoids which are, as usual, caused by some sinister magicks.

The game introduces over 100 new magical items, both weapons and armor, as well as special equipment. Apart from all the spells from Icewind Dale with the Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter expansion pack, Icewind Dale II offers 50 new ones, so the game in total has over 300 spells. It is still possible to play in the Heart of Fury Mode which significantly increases the combat difficulty. The game is powered by modified Infinity Engine, offering the improvement of Baldur’s Gate II, and enriched with new character classes (i.e. mercenary, giant killer, dreadmaster of bane) and races (drow, tiefling).

Last updated on August 14, 2015


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Videos and Screens

Icewind Dale II Summary

Icewind Dale II System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Intel Pentium III 500 (AMD Duron or Athlon), 128MB RAM, 16x CD-ROM, DirectX 8.0+

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