Trophy Guide for Doom
Last update:
This page contains the list of all achievements available in Doom. You can unlock them on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Nintendo Switch is the only console that doesn't offer any achievements.
The main set consists of 34 trophies (including the platinum trophy). Besides that, you can unlock extra 21 achievements related to the updates and new game modes - these trophies aren't counted for the platinum trophy (they are marked on the list). Each trophy in our guide has a description that informs you about its requirements and our commentary on how to unlock it.
- A Gift from Beyond
- A Memorable Performance
- A Toe into Madness
- An Old Friend
- Arcade Stockpile
- Argent Fiend
- Argent Overload
- Beauty is Pain
- Bowling for Gibs
- Butcher
- Combat Tested, Doomguy Approved
- Computing with Style
- E1M1
- Eat Your Vitamins
- Entryway
- Every Nook and Cranny
- Fashion Fanatic
- Filling the Trophy Case
- Go for the Gold
- Head First
- Historian
- Hot Swapper
- Insult to Injury
- Into the Unknown
- Juicin' it Up
- Knee-Deep in the Dead
- Like Nobody is Watching
- Marked for Death
- Momentum Shift
- Motion in the Explosion
- No Rest for the Living
- On Track
- Outnumbered? No Problem!
- Overclocked
- Reaping All the Benefits
- Rip and Tear
- ShareWare
- Shoot it Until it Dies
- Sitting Duck
- Slotted for Success
- Specialist
- Successful Launch
- Tenderizing the Crops
- The Circle is Complete
- Thorough Shopper
- Threat Assessment
- Thy Flesh Consumed
- Timing is Everything
- Tinkering
- Up Close and Personal
- What Else Ya Got?
- Who's Next?
A Gift from Beyond
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Obtain a rune.
Commentary: Check out the description of The Circle is Complete trophy. In this case the only difference is that you have to obtain a single rune instead of all of them.
A Memorable Performance
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (6.66). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Get a Gold Rating in a multiplayer match.
Commentary: Ratings are based on your performance and you always get them at the end of a multiplayer match. Below you can learn how many points you need to get gold rating:
- Clan Arena - 3000 points
- Domination - 1700 points
- Freeze Tag - 1900 points
- Infernal Run - 1500 points
- Sector - 2100 points
- Soul Harvest - 2100 points
- Team Deathmatch - 2500 points
- Warpath - 1500 points
Choose the mode you are the best at. This will increase your chance of getting a gold rating.
A Toe into Madness

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete "UAC" level on Ultra-Nightmare.
Commentary: Ultra-Nightmare is unlocked by beating the main campaign (you can do that on any difficulty level). Select a new game and choose Ultra-Nightmare. Demons on this difficulty deal a lot of damage but the biggest problem is that death means that you have to replay the mission from the beginning. Here are a few tips on how to survive:
- Try to avoid receiving any damage. Be on the move, avoid ranged attacks and don't let the Imps to get closer to you.
- Look for a chance to use Glory Kills. You receive far less health points/ammo than on other difficulty levels - that is why every execution is very important.
- Don't rush into new areas so you won't get attacked by large groups of enemies. You can even try to go back a few steps when you get detected by demons. This increases a chance that no new monsters will join this fight.
- Use your equipment well. The shotgun should be used only on stronger demons. As for the pistol, you should use the charged shot. Throw grenades only when you see a group of enemies.
"UAC" level doesn't feature any bigger battles nor encounters with stronger demons - you should be able to complete it in a few tries, provided that you are cautious.
An Old Friend

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Get the BFG.
Commentary: A very easy trophy that is unlocked during the campaign. You unlock it by obtaining BFG-9000, the most powerful weapon in the game. This trophy can't be missed. You acquire the BFG during Advanced Research Complex level.
Arcade Stockpile
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Arcade Mode). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Collect 20 extra lives or relics in Arcade Mode.
Commentary: This trophy can only be unlocked in the Arcade Mode (available in the main menu). You don't have to collect the required number of items in a single mission. The game keeps track of the collected relics. In the Arcade Mode, Bobbleheads give you extra lives.
Argent Fiend

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Fully upgrade health, armor and ammo capacity during a single playthrough.
Commentary: Health, armor and ammo capacity can be increased by finding Argent Cells (the picture above shows an example). Remember that all Argent Cells must be found on the same save slot. If you missed some Cells, you can always replay missions to collect these items. This means that you can't miss any of the Argent Cells. We recommend playing with our walkthrough or reading the Secrets chapter before every new mission.
Argent Overload
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Fully upgrade your health, armor or ammo capacity.
Commentary: Check the description of Argent Fiend trophy. Here, the only difference is that you only have to upgrade one out of the three stats (health, armor or ammo capacity).
Beauty is Pain
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Hell Followed). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Play a multiplayer match while wearing any of the pieces of the Cyber-Demonic Armor.
Commentary: Pieces of Cyber-Demonic Armor can be unlocked by leveling up your character. You can do that by completing challenges (unlocked at Echelon 8). Equip a piece of this armor set in your Loadout and then join any multiplayer game.
Bowling for Gibs
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Bloodfall). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Perform a Multi Kill in multiplayer with a single Spectre's Bullrush.
Commentary: Spectre is one of the demons that can be set in your multiplayer Loadout. The lowest level required for unlocking this demon is 28. Find a demonic rune. Then, you have to search for a group of 3 enemies. Attack them with your Bullrush (L2/left trigger).

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Perform 200 Glory Kills.
Commentary: A very simple achievement that will get unlocked over time. Glory Kills can be activated when an enemy gets weakened significantly. That enemy will start glowing orange. Run to it and press the Melee button. You shouldn't have problems with performing this move 200 times during one playthrough. If you didn't do that, remember that you can replay missions.
Combat Tested, Doomguy Approved
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Reach level 5 in multiplayer.
Commentary: This simple achievement can only be unlocked in multiplayer. Participate in any of the modes. Also, you get XP even when you aren't at the top of the list. This trophy should take you about several dozens of minutes.
Computing with Style
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Unto the Evil). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Play a multiplayer match while wearing any of the Robotic Armor pieces.
Commentary: Pieces of Robotic Armor can be unlocked by leveling up your character. You can do that by completing challenges (unlocked at Echelon 5). Equip a piece of this armor set in your Loadout and then join any multiplayer game.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the first campaign mission.
Commentary: A very simple trophy. Simply complete UAC level on any difficulty level. Check out our guide for this mission if you run into any problems.
Eat Your Vitamins
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Hell Followed). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 10 enemies as Cacodemon in multiplayer.
Commentary: Cacodemon is one of the demons that can be set in your multiplayer Loadout. Find a demonic rune. Then, you have to start killing enemies. Kills add up. You don't have to kill 10 enemies in a single match.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the basic and the advanced SnapMap tutorials.
Commentary: One of the trophies related to SnapMap mode in which you can create your own custom maps. The achievement is very simple - you only have to complete the tutorials (Basic and Advanced Training).
Every Nook and Cranny

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Find all collectibles.
Commentary: By Collectibles, the developers mean Bobblehead figures of the Doom Marine (the picture above shows an example). There are 26 Bobbleheads hidden in the campaign maps. Check out the Secrets chapter in our guide to find them with ease.
Fashion Fanatic
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Bloodfall). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Play a multiplayer match while wearing any of the Evil Cultist Armor pieces.
Commentary: Pieces of Evil Cultist Armor can be unlocked by leveling up your character. You can do that by completing challenges (unlocked at Echelon 4). Equip a piece of this armor set in your Loadout and then join any multiplayer game.
Filling the Trophy Case
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Arcade Mode). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Get all types of medals in Arcade Mode in a single mission.
Commentary: This trophy can only be unlocked in the Arcade Mode (available in the main menu). You have to get all 14 types of medals in a single mission. The best level to get this trophy is Kadingir Sanctum - it has a lot of opportunities for getting the medals. Below you can find the list of all 14 types of medals:
- Barrel-kill - Kill a demon with an explosive barrel.
- Bronze Relic - Get a bronze relic. Wait for this collectible to change its color to bronze (its other colors are gold and silver).
- Death from Above - Kill a demon with an aerial Glory Kill. Weaken an enemy (it will start glowing orange) and then jump towards it from a higher ledge. Press the Melee button before you hit the ground.
- Direct Hit Kill - Kill a demon with a direct hit from the Shotgun equipped with explosive rounds.
- Extra Life - Obtain an extra life. You get them by collecting the Bobbleheads.
- Glory-kill - Kill a demon by using a Glory Kill.
- Gold Relic - Get a gold relic. You have to pick it up before it turns either silver or bronze.
- Head Shot - Kill a demon with a headshot.
- Mid-air Kill - Kill a demon when it is mid-air, e.g. when it is leaping towards you or when you pushed it from a higher platform.
- Multi-kill - Kill at least 2 demons with a single shot. Use a powerful weapon, e.g. the Rocket Launcher.
- Silver Relic - Get a silver relic. You have to pick it up before it turns to bronze.
- Stunned Kill - Kill a demon that was stunned with Plasma Rifle's Stun Bomb.
- Super-kill - Kill at least 6 demons with a single shot. The best choice for that is BFG-9000. Wait for 6 (or more) weaker enemies to stand next to each other and the shoot them.
- Triple Hit - Kill a demon with a triple hit. You can use the Rocket Launcher or the Shotgun equipped with the modification that allows you to shoot multiple rounds.
Go for the Gold
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Arcade Mode). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Get a Gold Rating in the Arcade Mode.
Commentary: This trophy can only be unlocked in the Arcade Mode (available in the main menu). This trophy requires a little bit of practice but it isn't difficult to obtain. It can also be unlocked on the easiest difficulty level. Remember to keep your points multiplier at a high level. Besides that, you should also look for secrets (Bobbleheads, relics) - they will give you extra points.
Head First
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Bloodfall). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 10 enemies as Spectre in a multiplayer match.
Commentary: Spectre is one of the demons that can be set in your multiplayer Loadout. The lowest level required for unlocking this demon is 28. Find a demonic rune and then start killing enemies. Kills add up. You don't have to eliminate 10 enemies in a single match.

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Find all Data Logs.
Commentary: Data Logs are one of the collectibles found in Doom. Data Logs found in levels that take place in the UAC facility resemble small drives. In Hell, they look like terminals. Each new secret adds one codex entry. There are 49 Data Logs - our Secrets chapter will help you find them.
Hot Swapper

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Obtain all weapon modifications
Commentary: Field Drones (the picture above shows an example) allow you to unlock new weapon modifications. Each Drone unlocks one new modification. There are 12 of them - our Secrets chapter will help you find all the Drones.

Trophy type: gold
How to unlock: Upgrade all the runes.
Commentary: Start with getting all 12 runes - this is part of The Circle is Complete trophy. Just to remind you, runes are obtained by completing Trial Stones challenges.
One of tabs in the pause menu allows you to set your obtained runes as active (the picture above). Only 3 runes can be activated at the same time and this is the only way to start completing their challenges. You may have to, e.g. perform Glory Kills on a specific number of enemies or perform a certain number of aerial attacks.
Deactivate a rune with a completed challenge and use another one. This achievement requires you to upgrade all of them. It is possible that you won't be able to do that during a single playthrough. However, you can always replay missions.

Trophy type: gold
How to unlock: Master all the weapon modifications.
Commentary: Every weapon in Doom has one or two modifications. You can unlock them by interacting with Field Drones. Purchase regular upgrades (Improved Torque and Uranium Coating from the picture above) first before you start mastering a given modification. Upgrade points are received by completing mission challenges and by eliminating enemies encountered in a level.
Once you do that, you can start doing a challenge for a given modification. Usually, you will have to defeat demons in a specific way or within a certain time limit. Complete these challenges to receive mastery in modifications. This unlocks a new and unique ability (the picture above shows Incendiary Rounds as an example). Obtain all masteries to unlock this trophy. More information can be found on the Weapons page.
Insult to Injury
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Bloodfall). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Use a taunt from the third Expansion in a multiplayer match.
Commentary: Taunts from the third Expansion are unlocked at level 38. Go to your character settings and activate any of the taunts from this Expansion (Bloodfall). Use it at any point of a multiplayer match to unlock this achievement.
Into the Unknown
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Travel to Hell.
Commentary: This happens automatically after completing Argent Energy Tower level. Check out the walkthrough section if you run into problems.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Win a multiplayer match.
Commentary: This simple achievement can only be unlocked in multiplayer. Participate in any of the modes, preferably a team-based one. Your team can win even when you aren't the best player.
Juicin' it Up

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 150 enemies while using Power Ups.
Commentary: Power Ups appear during certain bigger battles. They are divided into four types - Berserk (eliminate demons with single melee attacks), Haste (faster movement and fire rate), Invincibility (temporal immortality) and Quad Damage (four times the damage).
The game counts any kills performed while a Power Up is active. The fastest way to add more kills to the trophy's counter is to kill demons while using Berserk and Quad Damage Power Ups (see the picture above). Thanks to them you get a chance to kill a lot of demons before a Power Up runs out. Replay a mission that has Power Ups if you didn't unlock this trophy during your initial playthrough.
Knee-Deep in the Dead

Trophy type: gold
How to unlock: Complete the game on I'm Too Young to Die, Hurt Me Plenty, Ultra-Violence or Nightmare difficulty level.
Commentary: This trophy is much easier to do than you might think after reading its description - it lists all the default difficulty levels. The fastest way to unlock it is to play on the easiest difficulty "I'm Too Young to Die".
Like Nobody is Watching
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Hell Followed). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Use a taunt from the second Expansion in a multiplayer match.
Commentary: Taunts from the second Expansion are unlocked at level 35. Go to your character settings and activate any of the taunts from this Expansion (Hell Followed). Use it at any point of a multiplayer match to unlock this achievement.
Marked for Death
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Unto the Evil). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 10 enemies with EMG Mark V Pistol in multiplayer.
Commentary: EMG Mark V Pistol is unlocked at level 27. You can use it in any of the multiplayer modes. Your kills add up. You don't have to kill 10 enemies with this pistol during a single match.
Momentum Shift
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Upgrade a rune.
Commentary: Check the description of IDDQD trophy. Here, the only difference is that you have to upgrade a single rune.
Motion in the Explosion
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Unto the Evil). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 5 enemies with a Kinetic Mine in multiplayer.
Commentary: Kinetic Mine is unlocked at level 42. You can use it in any of the multiplayer modes. Your kills add up. You don't have to kill 5 enemies with this mine during a single match.
No Rest for the Living
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Play 5 maps published in SnapMap.
Commentary: One of the trophies related to SnapMap mode where you can create your own custom maps. The achievement is very simple - sign into the SnapMap mode and then choose any of the maps published by other players. Remember, you need to be online if you want to connect to the game's servers.
On Track
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (6.66). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete a Tracked Challenge in multiplayer.
Commentary: After logging into the multiplayer mode you can track one of the available challenges (an eye icon will appear next to a selected challenge). Complete it to unlock this trophy. Try to choose one of the easier challenges.
Outnumbered? No Problem!

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Defeat Hell Guards.
Commentary: Hell Guards are one of the bosses - you fight with a few of them at the same time (you start against one Hell Guard and after that you have to defeat another two). This battle takes place after The Necropolis. Check our walkthrough to learn the bosses' attacks and ways of defeating them.

Trophy type: gold
How to unlock: Fully upgrade all the categories of your Praetor Suit during a single playthrough.
Commentary: You need Research Tokens to upgrade your Praetor Suit. These tokens can be found on corpses of Elite Guards (the picture above shows an example). There are 36 Elite Guards to find and each one of them has 1 token.

Upgrade your Praetor Suit in one of the pause menu's tabs (see the picture above). These upgrades cost one or more Research Tokens. They improve various stats, e.g. increase resistance to certain elements or make you more agile.
Remember that all Praetor Suit upgrades must be unlocked on the same save slot. If you missed any of the Elite Guards, you can always replay missions to collect their tokens. This means that you can't miss any corpses of the Elite Guards. We recommend playing with our walkthrough or reading the Secrets chapter before every new mission.
Reaping All the Benefits
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Hell Followed). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 10 enemies as a Reaper in multiplayer.
Commentary: Reaper is one of the demons that can be set in your multiplayer Loadout. The lowest level required for unlocking this demon is 33. Find a demonic rune and then start killing enemies. Kills add up. You don't have to eliminate 10 enemies in a single match.
Rip and Tear

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Perform a Glory Kill on every regular enemy found in the campaign.
Commentary: Glory Kills can be used on demons that are glowing orange. Run to them or jump (in case of a Cacodemon) and then press the Melee button to perform a Glory Kill.
Perform Glory Kills on all regular demons to unlock this trophy. Lost Souls are the only exception because the game doesn't give you the option to use this attack on them. Check the codex to see your progress - go to Monsters tab and take a look at every enemy. The game informs you how many Glory Kills you have performed on a given enemy type (see the picture above).
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Create and publish a map made in SnapMap mode.
Commentary: One of the trophies related to SnapMap mode where you can create your own custom maps. The achievement is very simple - load any of the map templates, name it and then publish as your own map. Remember that you need to be online in order to connect to the game's servers.
Shoot it Until it Dies

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Defeat the Cyberdemon.
Commentary: Cyberdemon is the first boss in the game - this fight takes place after completing Lazarus Labs level. Check our walkthrough to learn the boss' attacks and ways of defeating him.
Sitting Duck
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Unto the Evil). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Use a taunt from the first Expansion in a multiplayer match.
Commentary: Taunts from the first Expansion are unlocked at level 32. Go to your character settings and activate any of the taunts from this Expansion (Unto the Evil). Use it at any point of a multiplayer match to unlock this achievement.
Slotted for Success
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (6.66). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Unlock all runes in multiplayer.
Commentary: The goal of this trophy is simple but it requires a lot of time. To unlock all the runes, you will have to reach level 44.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Obtain a weapon modification mastery.
Commentary: Check out the description of IDKFA trophy. Here, the only difference is that you have to obtain one weapon modification mastery.
Successful Launch
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Bloodfall). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 10 enemies with the Grenade Launcher in multiplayer.
Commentary: Grenade Launcher is unlocked at level 22. You can use it in any of the multiplayer modes. Your kills add up. You don't have to eliminate 10 enemies with this weapon during a single match.
Tenderizing the Crops
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Unto the Evil). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer as Harvester.
The Circle is Complete

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Obtain all the runes
Commentary: Start by searching for a Trial Stone (see the picture above). Then, you have to complete its challenge to receive a rune. There are 12 Trial Stones in the single player campaign - check the Secrets chapter to find them without any problems.
As for the challenges, their goals differ from each other. You may have to, e.g. kill enemies in a certain way or to go through a map within a time limit. Leave more difficult challenges for later - you can access them in the main menu (Rune Trial Select option).
Thorough Shopper
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete all mission challenges in a single level.
Commentary: Check the description of What Else Ya Got? trophy. Here, the only difference is that you have to complete challenges only of a single level.
Threat Assessment
Note: This achievement is part of one of the updates (Hell Followed). You don't have to unlock this trophy to get platinum in Doom.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Find 20 enemies by using Threat Pulse in multiplayer.
Commentary: Threat Pulse is one of the gadgets. Select it in your Loadout. Remember to activate it (the default buttons are L1/LB) from time to time during a multiplayer match. Find 20 different enemies. You don't have to do that in one match, the game keeps track of your progress.
Thy Flesh Consumed
Trophy type: platinum
How to unlock: Get all the trophies.
Commentary: This trophy is available only on PS4.
Timing is Everything

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Kill 100 enemies with explosive barrels.
Commentary: This isn't a difficult achievement to unlock because explosive barrels are found in numerous locations. Detonate barrels when there are a few slower and weaker enemies near them - these demons should die from an explosion.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Fully upgrade one of the Praetor Suit categories.
Commentary: Check the description of Overclocking trophy. Here, the only difference is that you need to fully upgrade only one category.
Up Close and Personal

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 50 enemies with the Chainsaw.
Commentary: The Chainsaw can be obtained during the second mission - Resource Operations. Use it to eliminate demons (press the right button to equip it). Try to use all of its fuel during every fight so you can always replenish it when you find new supplies. Attack the weakest monsters - they deplete only 1 fuel charge.
What Else Ya Got?

Trophy type: gold
How to unlock: Complete all mission challenges.
Commentary: Every mission in Doom (excluding boss fights) has 3 challenges. You may have to, e.g. find secrets, defeat demons in a specific way or use certain weapons. Our guide has descriptions of all the challenges. Always check them before you start a new mission - thanks to that you will be able to complete them right away. Challenges can be done on every difficulty level.
Additional note - Some of the challenges can be unlocked during a single battle. Pause the game right after you unlock one of the challenges and then reload the checkpoint. Repeat the battle to unlock (or get closer to unlocking) another challenge.
Who's Next?

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Defeat the Spider Mastermind.
Commentary: Spider Mastermind is the game's final boss. This battle takes place at the end of Argent D'Nur level. Check our walkthrough to learn the boss' attacks and ways of defeating her.
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