Below you will find a detailed description of all secrets available on Resource Operations level. Among them there will be Elite Guards, Data Logs, Collectibles and Classic Map.
Secret #1
The first secret can be found at the start of the level. Turn around after restoring the power and jump above the corridor. The narrow tunnel will lead you to additional armor.
Classic Map
Once you restore power and walk one level below, keep going ahead until the encounter with Imps. If at the start of the battle you look up you will notice a green armor.
Go back there after killing all enemies and then go to the opposite side of the narrow sidewalk. Your target is the platform on the left. In order to reach it you must first climb on the nearby handrail.
At the top of the platform you will find a lever that will unlock the classic map one floor below.
DataLog #1
Keep going forward after encountering the first Possessed Engineer. You will reach a larger room with large group of enemies. Once you kill all demons you can walk to the other side of the location and pick up the log lying under the wall.
Elite Guard #1
Go to the right from the yellow door once you obtain the yellow key. Behind the net you will find a passage to the elevator. The tunnel above will lead you to the second yellow blockade.
Open it and then use the computer to open the passage on the right.
On the right from the corridor you should notice a closed hatch. Open it, walk down and kill the enemies that are there.
Turn left when you will have two paths to choose from. There you will find the first guard.
Elite Guard #2
Once you find the first guard, go back to the tunnel crossroad and go straight. At the end you can walk out through the hatch with blood. Pick up the Pulse Rifle above and then turn around and jump even higher. You will reach a room in which there was a nest. Use the elevator below.
After riding one floor up walk next to the drone and enter the room on the right. At the end there will be a tunnel on the left. It will lead you to the second Elite Guard and to additional armor.
Collectible #1
Go to the other end of the location after the battle during which you received the Berserk power up. There is a green armor there.
There is a large chest between the armor and the elevator. You can use it to jump on the ventilation shaft.
Walk on the shaft to the right, turn around and climb higher.
Keep going ahead and observe the right wall. At some point you will notice a place that allows climbing on the roof.
There is a hatch on the right side of the room. It will lead you to the same place as the elevator below. Instead of that, go to the other side of the roof and pick up the collectible hidden in the short tunnel.
DataLog #3
Near the end of the level you will pass through a metal construction into a large sluice behind which there are three larger opponents.
Go forward after killing them. You will reach a room with a computer that opens another passage. At the left wall of the room there is the log you seek.
Elite Guard #3
The third guard can be found in the last corridor that leads to VEGA terminal. His corpse is lying in the room on the left.
Collectible #2
The second collectible can be found at the end of the level. Leave the computer room after obtaining the Argent Cell and look to the right. You will notice a chest using which you can climb on higher floor. The straight road will lead you to the second collectible.