Argent Facility | Walkthrough
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Walk the Path
Interact with a Rune Trial Stone.
The first Rune Trial Stone can be found almost at the start of the level. Jump through the gap in the barrier after opening the first sluice and then get to the other side of the fall. The rune stone will be waiting for you there. Your task is to kill 15 enemies before the time runs out. You will start the task having 15 seconds of time, but each successful kill will add few more to the counter. In order to complete this task you should run as close to opponents as possible so that you can kill them with one shot without the need of using the Glory Kills. This will save you some time. For completing the trial you will receive the Vacuum rune which increases the range from which items dropped by opponents are dragged towards you.
Bird's Eye
Acquire the AutoMap for the Argent Facility.
You will find it near the room with the third Argent filter (in the blue-lighted location with few gravity jumps). On one side of the location there are door leading to the surface of the planet and on the other side there are door to the room with Automap.
To Be Knighted
Perform 2 "Death from Above" Glory Kills on Hell Knights.
The easiest time to complete this task is when encountering the first Hell Knight. He will appear on the court with a large chest in the middle. By running around the chest you can weaken the enemy with few accurate shots. When he is stunned, climb above and perform the Glory Kill. In order to obtain the second such kill it is best to load the game from last checkpoint and repeat the procedure.
Disable the Argent Filters

Once the level starts, keep going ahead until you reach a closed sluice. In order to open it you must use the panel on the right.

Behind the door you must jump one floor below through the gap in the barrier. If you search the rock ledge thoroughly you will find an armor enhancement.

Further path requires you to jump many times. First you must jump to the platform ahead and then to the rocks on the left.

Once you reach the top of the rock, jump to the higher floor of the platform and then to the place on the left.

Slight further you will see the first Rune Trial - Vacuum. These are special tasks that allow you to obtain runes that make you stronger. In this case the objective is to kill 15 enemies before the time runs out. When the mission starts you have only 15 seconds, but luckily each successful assassination adds more time. In order to complete this challenge you should try running as close to the opponents as possible, so that you can kill them with one shot without having to use the Glory Kill. This will spare you some time. As reward you will receive the Vacuum rune which increases the range from which items dropped by enemies are moved towards you. Put it in the only available slot in the rune menu. The runes you obtain can be additionally improved by completing a specific objective. In this case enhancing the rune requires you to pick up 300 items. Remember that the counter increases only when a rune is currently used.

Turn left after completing the additional task. You will reach a building in which there is the first Data log.

Pick it up and then pull the lever hidden behind the barrels slightly to the left. You will unlock a Classic Map. Entrance inside can be found in the building.

There is also a Rocket Launcher inside, you can pick it up if you haven't obtained it on the previous level. Go out through the other side of the room once you collect everything.

Outside you will encounter a large group of demons. First shoot two rockets ahead and then one at the barrel on the right. This should eliminate the demons with shields. Use regular weapons against the remaining opponents. At the end you will have to face the Hell Knight. It is the best occasion for completing the To Be Knighted challenge. In order to do it, quickly kill the Imp that will appear just after the knight and then weaken the bigger beast by running around the higher point in the middle of the location. Once the opponent is stunned, quickly climb on the platform and perform a Glory Kill from the air. The opponent is stunned for very short time, so you must hurry. After killing him you can load the game from the last checkpoint and repeat the operation in order to complete the second required assassination.

The rest of the road leads ahead. You will reach a large open space in which far away you will notice a Gore Nest.

Before you destroy it, move along the wall on the left. You will reach a room with an Elite Guard and a few valuable items. Your next task is the previously mentioned nest. After destroying it a large army of demons will appear. During the battle help yourself with the rocket launcher and the chainsaw - it is very effective against the Hell Razers.

Stand in front of the blue barrier once the encounter ends and try walking it around from the left. You will discover a passage to the bunker below. Inside there is a Combat Support Drone at which you should buy the Lock-On Burst.

While climbing back up, turn to the rock ledge on the right. The path there will lead you to another Elite Guard.
First Argent filter

After returning to the blue barrier you can complete the main objective which is deactivating three Argent filters. First go to the room ahead of the barrier.

Inside you will have a short battle after which you can pick up the Data Log. Once you do it, enter the room on the left and deactivate the first filter.
Second Argent filter

Go to the building on the left after going outside. It will be a large hangar. In the left corner there is an Argent Cell to which you can get by walking the constructions in the center from the right side. Further road leads up.

Near one of the machines you should notice a platform marked with green lights. Climb on it from the roof of the machine and then keep climbing by following the green markings.

Once at the top, first go to the left where you can destroy another filter in the room behind the door.
Third Argent filter

On the left from it there is a larger hall and inside it the second Rune Trial. This time your task is to destroy 30 barrels by using a pistol. As reward you will receive the Dazed and Confused rune which increases the stun time of enemies. During the trial you should try to constantly remain on the move and shoot all the barrels in your reach. When only three targets remain, they will be highlighted to make looking for them easier.

Find the hole in the floor after completing this trial. The hole will lead you to the previously visited room.

Two chests lying one on another will be there.

Use them to climb up and then jump on the ledge above the lamps hanging under the ceiling. You will find a UACGUY collectible.

Now you can go back to the recently destroyed filter and turn this time to the right. You will notice a small court with another Gore Nest. First eliminate the opponents with shields by using rockets and then destroy the nest. There will be many opponents here, so you should quickly pick up the armor on the right. There will be large chests there as well, you can run around them in order to avoid enemy fire.

Once the battle is over, jump on the sidewalk that is on the right from the entrance.

Nearby you will find door and behind it another group of monsters. After killing all beasts use the stairs to go up and use the Combat Support Drone. Then pick up the Data Log.

Further path leads to the very bottom. There you will find door leading outside. Go forward and kill a few encountered demons. Climb on two rock ledges and then jump to the other side of the path. On the left side you will find ammunition and on the right a hole that leads floor below.

Before you jump below, first go carefully through the edge to the other side (next to the ammunition box). It will lead you to the second collectible (Stealthguy).

Turn left once you're below and stick to the left wall. Finally you will notice a sidewalk to which you can jump.

Do it and then go ahead. Search the third Elite Guard on your way.

After a short while you will reach a blue-lighted room in which there is the third Gore Nest. Destroy it and, during the battle with the demons that will appear, use the Haste power up and the gravity jumps placed around.

You can pick two paths after the battle. The door on the right will lead you to the last filter and to another Data Log.

Before you complete the third objective, first walk through the door on the other end of the location and then quickly turn to the right.

The narrow path will lead you to Supershotgun which will prove to be useful during the battle with the demons that will appear after destroying the third filter. Among the many opponents there will be a Summoner, a new enemy type. This creature floats above the ground and can teleport very quickly. Try eliminating him in first order with the recently obtained Shotgun or with the Rocket Launcher. In order to avoid his missiles you can use the gravity jumps.
Disable the Argent Processor

Once the battle is over, explore the room ahead of the door leading to the Supershotgun (it is hidden in the corner).

Behind it you will find Automap needed for completing one of the challenges.

The last mission objective is to destroy the Argent processor. In order to do it you must go to the warehouse in which there was the second Rune Trial. On the left from it there is door and behind it the last Gore Nest.

Before you destroy it, first get rid of all nearby enemies and find the Berserk. It will make the battle after destroying the nest much easier.

Go to the corridor on the right side after the last demon is dead. Search the Elite Guard that is lying there. The corridor will lead you to the processor which you must destroy. Once you do it, you can walk slightly further ahead and complete the level.
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