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On the contrary to the fact, that you fight mostly zombies in Dead Island Riptide, you can find many types of those monsters. Most of them have already appeared in the first Dead Island, but few more species are the new ones. It's worth mentioning that a level of monsters always equals to your current experience. It's especially important, if you've chosen a game with an imported character, because you have to find a good weapon ASAP to have any chances during encounters.

As in the previous part, Walkers are the weakest zombies. They move slowly and try to attack you directly and involve in melee fight (what is connected with a well known minigame). Beware of Walkers with blades because they are nice throwers. In the further part of game, you meet also flaming and toxic Walkers who cause additional fire and poison damage and a bit stronger mutated scientists. Whatever the type of Walker is, don't let them surround you and kick them out of you.

This is another type of zombies which is well known from the previous part. They differ from Walkers mostly in a fact, that they are very agile and can run. Avoid their quick melee attacks and try to eliminate them until they get too close, the best with well aimed blows of blade or firearm. In the further part of the game you meet burning ones, causing additional fire damage and a bit stronger, crazy ones. Whatever type of Infested you meet, don't get surrounded and kick them out.

It's the first appearance of Floaters in the Dead Island franchise, and you can meet them mostly on swamps and in every flooded area of island. They are treacherous, because they stay calm until you get close enough and when they "wake up" they sprint at you and perform quick blows. Try to eliminate them before they wake up or when they are still in the water. They can also get you when you're in the boat. If he get inside your boat you'll play a simple minigame. Try not to lose it, to not be thrown out of the boat and consider eliminating few Floaters before you get to the shore. As in the previous types of zombies: don't get surrounded and kick them out.

Those big zombies appeared in the previous part of Dead Island. Thugs are slow, but they cause serious melee damage and they can knock you down. The best idea to eliminate them is to attack them from the distance, using firearm or some explosives. If after all you decide to begin a direct encounter try to use a blade to cut off his upper limbs. They are also defenseless against attacks from behind, so if you have an opportunity for an attack from surprise, just do it.

This is another well known type of zombies. Rams are rare, but you can't underestimate them because a bad approach may cost you a lot of health or even lost of life. The most important thing is to avoid their charges, because they deal massive damage and knocks you down. After every evasion turn around and attack backs of Ram. The best is to use a good firearm (shotguns, rifles), so you won't have to run to the monster and risk a retaliation.

Also this group of zombies have appeared in the first Dead Island. Their only attack is to selfdestruct when they get close to you, what you should extremely avoid. You can, of course, try to get close to a Suicider and then quickly run away, but it's a risky business. Much better is to use a firearm or some throwing weapons (what interesting - it does not get destroyed during an explosion). You can wait for kill a Suicider until he gets nearby other zombies.

Drowners also have appeared in the previous part and nothing has changed since that. They are still very slow and use a toxic vomit as their main weapon to cause huge damage. You can defeat them in two main ways. First one is to attack them from distance, using some good firearm or explosives. The other one, more risky, requires running to the Drowner and performing quick blows without giving him a chance to reply. You can also pass them easily without bothering that they can catch up with you.

Butchers also have appeared in the previous part and also here they are a big threat, joining features of Infested (quickness) and Thugs (big health). Instead of arms, they fight with bones dealing huge damage in direct fight. Try to avoid melee contact with them unless you have really good and upgraded two handed weapon. Remember also, that you can push them out by simply kicking them. But the better idea to eliminate them is to use firearms and throwing weapons.

Screamers are one of new type of zombies in Riptide. They are very specific, because their main attack is a scream which not only hurts you, but also stuns for a few seconds. A key to the success is to prevent getting under the charm of scream too often, what you can make by attacking a Screamer from the big distance or (better idea) by charging at them and make some fast blows. In the second case don't let them retaliate. It's always a good idea to use some upgraded weapon to this task.

Wrestlers are brand new in the Dead Island. They are similar to Thugs - slow and deal huge damage in direct combat. They are also extremely tough. I recommend to stay at the safe distance from the Wrestler, especially that his range is a bit longer that the one of a Thug. When it comes to an elimination, the best way is to set up explosives on his path (like mines) but you can also use firearms. Similarly to case of Thugs, try to attack them from behind.

Grenadiers are the new ones in this franchise. They can throw at you the toxic parts of their bodies. It means that fighting them from the distance is not the best idea in the world, except when you have a very good rifle and proper covers. The better idea is to behave like in the case of Screamers: get to the monster very quickly and kill him in a direct fight before he can reply.

Bosses are unique enemies which you can distinguish by the fact that every one of them has a name, second name and a nick. Those are mostly monsters from the Dead Zones and encounter with every one of them is quite challenging. Details concerning defeating them you should find in the game walkthrough. In this place I mention only that you have wear your best equipment for such fight, upgraded weapons etc and, if you can, set up mines in the vicinity before you get closer to the boss.

Encounters with humans who haven't turned yet into zombies are very rare in this game. What is more, you don't have to be worry about fighting well trained soldiers, because you'll run only into weakly equipped and trained mercenaries. In such cases, try to use firearms and aim at enemies' heads. Don't forget also to hide behind covers and secure your flanks.
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