Tickets and interventions | Gameplay basics
You will use tickets regularly. Frequently you will have a daily quota of tickets to isssue. If you double that number, you will receive bonus cash and a small reputation bonus from the Police. You don't need to call in a tug for every ticketed car - unless you were ordered to. Using the tug however enables you to free a place for another cat that you can ticket. Remember that the number of offenses on a single ticket doesn't matter. What matters is how many tickets you have left. There are three types of tickets.

Parking. The most common offense. At the beginning the game explains that first you must check the parkometer, but it is a waste of time. It is one of 3 bases for a ticket. If you see that the parkometer is red, then you can issue a ticket. You don't need to actually check it, you can immediately issue it. Each car that is parking even slightly on the "No parking" field also qualifies for a ticket. In addition to that, you can notice that some cars are parking across the whole street. If someone parks in a place without a parkometer or in its zone, then he also qualifies for a ticket. In addition to that, there are special dies with special requirements.

Tires and headlights. The most troublesome type of offenses as it takes much time. First you must click a car and then select an option. In the notebook you have advice which tires/lights qualify as an offense. Jack will check each tire and lamp. If you find one worn out tire or broken light, you can stop and issue a ticket. You can also issue a ticket for headlights faster, while patrolling the streets. Check each car and their front and back reflectors. If they are blinking with small sparks, you can issue a ticket without checking further. There is a similar shortcut for the tires. Cars with bad tires leave a very noticeable mark on the ground when they park. If you see black marks behind cars, then you can also issue a ticket without checking each tire.
Sometimes a driver will notice you and he will try to stop you. There are a few reactions possible:
- He will offer you 20$ for not issuing the ticket. If you don't agree, nothing bad will happen.
- He will beg you or ask you, one American to another. If you agree, your reputation among the citizens will increase. If you refuse, you will issue a ticket, but your reputation will drop.
- Some drivers will try to convince you, but they won't have money or they will have to walk to the ATM. Kelly will issue the ticket anyway and you won't be able to change the outcome.
- The driver will ask you what Jesus would do. If you speak with him, you will receive 30 dollars and in case of a refusal, you will simply issue a ticket.
- In the last case the driver will start talking about the presidents on the banknotes. If you accept the bribe, you will receive 50$. If you refuse, nothing bad will happen.
Remember that if you issue a wrong ticket, people might complain about you (Police reputation will drop). At the end of the day you will be informed how many wrong tickets you wrote and whether someone complained about you. Sometimes you should risk complain so that you met the daily quota. During some days there are also undercover agents on the streets, they will be checking you. If you accept a bribe, you will receive -10 Police relations penalty.
Constant interventions
Constant interventions are repeatable phases in the game. You will receive many interventions, but most of them are more or less complex tasks like helping in finding a missing cat or negotiations with a suicide man. Some of these tasks are described in the next chapter. Below you can find advice for the most frequent and repeatable interventions that are frequently action or logic based.

Arrests. You will be called for petty thefts and robberies. You will be given a place and you will see a screaming shopkeeper who will provide you with information helpful in identifying the criminal. If you get close enough to the criminal, then first red handcuffs will appear (it means you're too far away) and once you're closer, a green handcuffs icon will appear. Then click the handcuffs on your belt. The criminal is fast, so you must run towards him, having high stamina will be helpful. An animation will start and you will lose one stamina, call the police car and you will notice a small change of relations with the Police and the Crew.
Search. Sometimes one of the three factions will ask you to search a specific car. After clicking the car an option will become available. You will participate in a minigame. The item you are looking for is always hidden under the large spare wheel. First move the remaining small items so that you can move the large wheel. The hidden package always has 2x1 size. You can't take your time, you must hurry. Sometimes you can perform the search a few times, but it is best to do it at your first attempt.
Shoot outs. A hard part of the game that luckily doesn't happen frequently. First you will receive a call about a possible or ongoing robbery. Usually a car will come and a few criminals will walk from it to a shop. Once they get out, the shooting will start. Quickly press on your revolver and wait for the flying crosshair to reach your target. Then shoot. You have a few attempts before your protagonist is shot. Success and stopping all criminals will provide you with great boost of popularity at the citizens and the police.
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