First week | Description of 21 days of duty
The first day is calm for Jack. You start your duty with an orientation day with Fat Mike. He will show you a few shops. Then you will be free to act on your own. You should check all places - you will receive a small bonus to your relations with the police. Mike will also teach you how to issue tickets and handcuff criminals. Finally you will see a cutscene.

The second day you continue the tutorial, although you can act freely here. You must issue 5 parking tickets. Remember who you can punish for such an offense: the cars whose owners haven't paid the parking meters, cars parked on "no parking" white field and cars that aren't parked near a parking meter. During the day you will be called to a dead man in the alley near the pizza place at 609. Your task is to secure the area and interrogate everyone. During the patrol a young girl who looks for a car will talk to you. Go to the pizza place and return to the girl after speaking with Louie (he is standing near Krank's pharmacy). You can also help the blind man near the church by finding his wallet - it's on the stairs. You can also complete a simple delivery job for the mob - simply transport a package from one flat to another. For completing this task you will receive 50$ and +5 Mob relations. There won't be any bad consequences. Someone who offers help will want to meet with you in Rick's Café. This meeting will push the story plot a bit forward.
Day 3
The sergeant will remind you that you must collect 300 dollars for the alimony. He will give you objective for today: issue 5 tickets for bad tires. Before leaving you should speak to your colleagues, especially to McNab. He will tell you that there are undercover agents on the street. This means you shouldn't accept any bribes or at the end of the day you will receive -10 Police reputation penalty.
You will be tasked with interrogating the witnesses of the accident in front of the church. Walk towards each of them and try learning something. Today you will encounter many shop lifters - a gang member near the Hot Dogs will offer you 25$ for leaving them alone. However, if you don't interfere, on purpose or accidentally, you will receive -3 or -10 Police relations at the end of the day. If you capture all thieves, your relations with the Police will increase by +3. The same will happen in all other days when thieves will appear.

You can also receive a task in front of the pawn shop. A crew member left a weapon (Uzi) in the alley near the pizzeria. He doesn't want to go there because of the mob. The weapon is near the rubbish bin, you can deliver it back to him or to the police. In the latter case specialists will come and take it to the station. Depending on your decision you will gain a small bonus to relations with one of the factions. The mob will ask you to issue a ticket for the man who parks at 4 PM - you will discover that he is the leader of the crew. You can push him and issue him the ticket (50$ and +5 Mob relations) or you can let him go and receive a bribe (+50$ and increase of respect).
A call to 621/5. Although it will look like a crime, the things will go in a different direction. Go to the doughnut shop and buy some doughnuts - 2, 4 and 6. Once you return to the flat, the woman will convince you to eat the doughnuts. If you keep eating them, you won't be able to eat the last one. You will give it to the dog... which turns out to be allergic. You will gain a small Police reputation bonus. The man in the suit between the pharmacy and the cafeteria will also give you an opportunity to play poker. You will be able to play them at 623/4 if you use the password you received - you can play there each day. During the patrol you will meet a blind veteran. He will ask you to give him 5$. If you give him the money, he will repay with some useful information.
Day 4

Today's quota is: 5 parking tickets and towing away 3 cars. You can easily double your quota today, so take advantage of all occasions. In addition to that, you have a special task: Taking care of Igor. He is an exchange officer from Russia. He wants to visit USA. You will have some trouble with him. You can't impact his behavior nor can you avoid some unpleasantness. You will receive a few calls related to him. If you answer and react to all of them, at the end of the day your reputation at the police will improve. The last call is to the Froggy's Peep Show. If you answer, you will be in his debt. In theory you can simply ignore it, but in that case Froggy will come to you the next day and tell you about the trouble cause by Igor. He will be direct - you owe him a favor or he will tell about it to your superiors and your career will end. Froggy will force you to help him many days later.
In the meantime you can help Mob by searching Crew's member car with drugs. It's a gray van standing under the pawn shop. Click the car and select the option to search the vehicle. You must move the things in the trunk and find the small package under the spare key. Go back to the pizzeria after delivering the package. You can receive +5 Mob relations and 50$. Before the pawn shop you can receive a delivery task from the Gang. You must transport the package from flat A to flat B. A simple task awarded with 50$ and +5 Crew relations.
Day 5

For today you must: issue 5 tickets for lights and participate in two patrols. Before leaving ask your colleagues about stuff. You will receive information about the Crew that will prove to be useful. Before the patrol you will receive a proposition to escape to Mexico for 2000 dollars. The man will come in more than a dozen of days, allowing you to escape from the troubles of the main plot. You will start the morning patrol immediately. You must reach both ends of the street. At 3 PM you must perform a second, similar patrol.
If you talked with your colleagues, you can tip the Crew about the transport of their friend. You will receive 100$, +3 Crew respect and -3 Police respect. You won't gain nor lose anything if you don't say a thing. If you listened to all your fellow policemen, you will know that there is a crew meeting in the Pawn Shop at 4 PM. You can ignore it or interrupt it and scare away all members - this will end in low penalty in your relations with the crew.

Today extortions will occur in Moonwalk and in the doughnut shop. You can ignore them and receive -10 Police relations. You can also enter the shops and scare away the Mob. This will impact your Mob relations by -10 and Police and Citizens relations by +3. You can also retreat during the conversation this will provide opposite effect (+10 Mob, -10 Police, - Citizens). The same goes for both shops. If you scare the Italians from both shops, at the end of the day you will receive additional Police relations boost.
During the early hours you will receive a call to Adamski's. There you can scare away the thief or take him to the shop fridge. This will provide you with bonus respect from the Sergeant, but you must come back to the shop between 2 and 4 or the thief will freeze to death. You will receive +Citizens, +50$, +3 Police.
In front of the pizzeria you will receive a task from Mob to find the car of one of its members. You will find the black car in front of the pawn shop. You can choose: go back to Louie and tell him about where his man is (+5 Mob, +50$) or inform the Crew that the Mob is looking for him (+10 Crew, -5 Mafia). After 1 PM a fire will start at 631. Remove the car that blocks access to the hydrant: you must first issue a ticket and then call the tug to remove it.
After noon but before 4 PM you can find a dealer at one of the corners. He can sell you the stuff for 20$ (from +3 to +7 to Stamina). He will also want you to protect him between 4 PM and 4:20 PM. Don't leave him during that time. Man in suits will come towards him. If you scare them away, you will receive -2 Mob, but after a while the gangster will compensate that with 50$ and +15 crew. Other actions will worsen your relations with the black gangsters.
Day 6

The internal department is on the streets today. After the noon you will find a suspicious Van near the Pawn Shop.
The sergeant wants you to issue 12 tickets of any type and track down a suspicious car today. If you speak to your colleagues, you will be informed about the undercover agents on the street. You better not take bribes today. If you want to find the suspicious car, ask the shopkeepers near the pawn shop. You will learn that your target is a white Van that will park after 4 PM near the pawn shop. Once it is done, simply check its register plate and use the radio to call in the suspicious vehicle. In the meantime the crew member will tell you to contact someone from the DEA. He will tell you that it is no one from the local gang. If you use the phone booth, you will learn some things that will push the main story plot forward.

About 9 AM you will receive a car to the closed Moonwalk. Help Norma in the following way: walk to her flat at 633/7 (Montana surname). Then call specialists through the phone booth. They are out of poison, but the doughnut shop has the last delivery of it. If you walk there, you will receive the last package. Now enter Moonwalk and spread out the poison twice. It's important, otherwise you will make your life more complicated later. Now simply go back here after 3:30 PM to see the results of your work.
In the morning you can encounter a Crew member near the Peep Show. He will ask you to protect a prostitute. You must return here at 14:00. You have a few options to choose from: you can arrest her (+Police, -Crew), scare her away for Mob (+Mob, -Crew) or protect her from the tug and receive -10 Mob, +15 Crew, +30$.
The Mob can give you a small task: Find the small, triangle, red bike. It can be found near the Hi-Fi shop on 633. If you examine it thoroughly and tell the man near the pizzeria what you found, you will receive +150$ (only +50$ if you don't check the bike), +10 Mob, -10 Police. You can also arrest the father of the kid and the Mob member. In this case you will receive -10 Crew, -10 Mob and +10 Police. If you arrest only the black guy and tell the Mob that you found the bike but had to call it in, you will receive +100$ and -10 relations.
Additionally: In the morning there will be a car thief near 605-613 (although sometimes he appears in different places), after 4 PM you will be informed about a thief in a boutique in 607.
Day 7

Today's objectives: 8 parking tickets and tracking the suspect. To find the suspect, go to Rick's. He will tell you that he saw someone suspicious. The man will appear about 11 AM, sometimes after 5 PM. It is better to be in the area during the morning. First you will meet the first man that is very similar, but the second person is your target. Call him in with your radio.
In addition to that, you will receive a reminder about the next alimony rate. You will have to run a lot. A few radios will be stolen from the parked cars. First you should go to the pawn shop where the Crew will ask you to ignore these thefts in exchange for 50 dollars. Louis' pizzeria will be visited today by the Mob boss Don Tataglia. You will be tasked with preparing a parking slot for him before 4 PM and clearing the area of drug dealers and prostitutes. The Crew will have a counter proposition for you. Near the liquor shop there will be two dealers that will sell you drugs and want you to stop the meeting. To do it, you must enter the pizzeria after 4 PM and insult the Don. If you complete the task for the Mob, you will receive 100$, +10 Mob and -10 Police.
In the middle of the day you will be called to domestic violence on 615/4. You must be a negotiator that solves the problem. No one will answer under 4, so call the neighbors. They will open the door. A man will threaten to kill the girl if you don't deliver him liquor and a burger. Run to the liquor shop, then to Moonwalk. Once you have both items, go back to the flat and give all items to the man. Once he drinks the alcohol, the problem will be solved and Jack will gain respect of Citizens and +3 Police.
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