Second week | Description of 21 days of duty
Day 8

Today you will receive a special task: A total parking ban across the whole street - you issue tickets and tow away every car. The street must be clean until the guest arrives. The people will park from time to time, so keep patrolling the whole street. Between 10 and 12 AM two black cars will arrive at the church. Issue tickets and tow them both away. After that you can focus on other tasks. The sergeant will be very angry if he hears about parked cars.
If you speak with your colleagues, you will learn some things about the Mob. You can go to the pizza place to share this information. The Mob will appreciate it. You will gain +50$, +5 Mob and lose -5 Police.

Next to the pizza place you will receive a task to uninstall wiretaps placed in phone booths. The wiretaps are small, black boxes located near the booths. Once you gather all three of them, deliver them to the pizza place. A Crew member will stop you on your way. You can decide to whom you will give the wiretaps. You will receive 100$ and +/-10 Mob or Crew, depending on who you decide to help.

In addition to encountering a few shop thieves during the day, you will receive a tip about a jeweler robbery. Go between 613 and 615 and warn the owner. In the afternoon you will receive information about a suspicious delivery van. Go immediately to 607, especially if you notice the van on the street. Three hostiles will first enter the boutique. Wait for them outside. Once they are out, drag out your weapon (the revolver will be highlighted, click it). Now a crosshair will float above the opponent - click the mouse button when the crosshair will move on the body. Stop all three enemies and remember that each of them will miss a few times before he hits you. Don't be stressed and wait for the right time to shoot. If you stop the robbery, you will gain respect of the citizens and a little smaller reputation boost among the police.
Day 9

Today's objectives are to issue 5 light tickets and perform morning and afternoon patrol. When you start the duty, you will be called to a body next to the workshop. Secure the crime scene. The victim will be related to the main plot. Once you finish the conversation with the coroner, speak to the homeless man. He will point you to the house of victim's wife. Try speaking with Miss Hooks in 615/6. She won't be able to talk, but she will ask you to visit her tomorrow.

You will receive a call to an unconscious man behind the Hi-Fi store. Try to help the junkie. You will fail and an ambulance will be called. You will receive a second call, this time near the church. There you will find a priest desperate for drugs. He will ask you for some medicaments or other drugs. Drive to Krank's pharmacy. After a short conversation you will receive the drug. Go back to the priest and try to use the drug on him or to wake him up so that he can do it by himself. You will learn that people from the pawn shop are related to the situation. The crew members will point you to a man named Tray that can be found near the liquor shop. When he sees you, he will escape to the shop and disappear through the back entrance. Speak to Ivan and walk to the homeless man next to the shop. He will tell you where Tray is hiding - in the dumpster a few steps from you. Tray will promise to help you the next day. Be near the workshop at 9 AM.

Today the Mob will perform extortions in Krank's pharmacy and in Karina's jewelry. Remember that a lack of reaction will have negative impact on your relations with the Police. Scaring away the Mob will make them angry, but it will slightly improve your relations with the citizens and the Police.
In the meantime a crew member will ask you to get a mysterious briefcase. It is lying on an empty field in the place where you found the body at morning. There is a bomb inside! You can leave it and escape or you can try to disarm it - cut the red wire. Now you can decide: you can give it to the Police and improve your relations or give it to the Crew in exchange for 50$.
Day 10

Today your quota is 7 parking tickets. The police are looking for a Mob car today. A specific model, color and plate number was delivered to everyone. Usually in the middle of the day you will receive information that a suspicious car is driving to your territory. Usually it parks near the pizzeria and numbers 605-609. Check the plates and search the car. You can also simply ignore the vehicle, but in that case you will lose respect of your colleagues and superiors.

If yesterday you completed the task related to the priest and you completed the chain of events with Tray, then he will be waiting for you near the workshop at about 4 AM. He will inform you about a cook named Black who can be found in 603/10. Go to the laundry after a short dialogue. The Chinese man will be able to cook what you want, but he will need a few ingredients: cat's fur and 3 pieces of poppy seed. The first flower can be found in front of 625, two others are on the empty field; next to the car wreck and higher, near the tin shed. The cat fur can be found near Ivan's liquor shop on 611. At 4 PM go back to the empty field and enter the tin shed. After cooking the mixture you can go to the priest. This will help him in preparations for the meeting with other priests.
Main plot: Try speaking to Miss Hooks on 615/6. You will learn that today she is busy with errands related to the funeral. Come back the next day. In the meantime you should ask all shopkeepers about Lester. Each of them will tell you something interesting about him. You will also receive information that Yablonski wants to talk to you. Go to the closest phone booth and listen to what he has to say. You will be also informed that your daughter Dina wants to meet with you at 2 PM in pizzeria. There you will meet a female reporter that is interested in the senator's case. She will offer help.
Near the peep show you can start an errand for a gangster. You must follow a man in a suit. He will leave 633. You must collect the case he will leave in one of the alleys. Then a mob member will talk to you. You can decide whether to be loyal to the task giver or to deliver the briefcase to the Mob. You will receive and lose 15 points of respect of each side.
Louie will ask you to help - you must guard his cargo from kids. An easy task, all you need to do is stand near the crates for a short time. Mob relations will increase by 5 points and you will earn 20$. This day you will also receive three calls at random times. You will have to take care of cult members that cause public disorder. Simply walk to them.
Day 11
This will be a busy day: you must issue 12 tickets of any kind. In addition to that, today you can visit Miss Hooks who will provide you with more information about Lester and will point you to the next link - Angie. You can ask all shopkeepers about her, but the case will move forward only after a few more days.

Today you will have a challenge: the role of a negotiator was forced on you. A suicidal man has doused himself in gasoline in front of the church. First you must clear the area for the fire fighters in case of a fire. Don't walk towards the stairs! You have time till 12 to contain the situation. After a moment someone who knows the suicide man will come and tell you his story. Now you can search the flat you were pointed to. Call the neighbors in 609. Break the door with force and search all rooms. You must find 3 items and take them with you. Then use the phone booth to call the reporter mentioned in the conversations. Go back to the church and speak with the new person. The evidence will convince the reporter to take the case. A friend of the suicidal man will come to calm him down and the intervention will end successfully.
Smaller cases: there will be a few thieves appearing today, be ready with high stamina. Crew member in front of the pawn shop will give you a task. You must protect him before 3 PM. Simply stand nearby and scare away the Mob soldier. The gangster will reward you with 100$. You will also increase your crew respect by 10 and lose your Mob respect by 10. When you're in the area, a man in a gray suit will walk towards you. He will tell you that the Mob intends to kill him. You can help and arrest him or refuse and inform the mob about him.
Day 12

The sergeant probably doesn't like you. Another busy day awaits you: 10 parking tickets, 5 tugged cars, two patrols (morning and afternoon) and search for a Van. The register plate number of the van starts with NH. It will be a colorful, hippie van. When another patrol locates a similar car, you will receive information about it. Then you must look for that van in the eastern part, behind the Krank's. Check the register plate and call in the car. Ask Norma in Moonwalk if she had seen something. She will point you to the laundry. When Jack confirms that the driver is the owner of the suspicious vehicle, he will arrest him and call in a patrol.
Near the pizza place you will receive a task to mediate in the trade between the Mob and the Crew. Go to the pawn shop and inform the Crew about the meeting on the empty field (619) at 4 PM. You can stay to the end of the trade or let the Mob killer eliminate the crew members. In that case you will receive +20 Mob and -20 Crew relations.
Near the pawn shop you will be given a task to issue a ticket and force the crew member to meet with the boss. You will be informed about the target's car mode. He will appear after 11. Issue a ticket and don't let him provoke him - send him to the pawn shop.
A call to 625/4. An ex-boxer. You are ordered to arrest him, but you can also help him. First go to the location. Promise the wife that you will help her husband. Now go to the liquor shop. There you can arrest the man and please your superiors (you will complete your orders). You can also help him and back him up by the Mob. Speak to Louie. From now you will owe him two favors. To repay the debt, you must complete two tasks for this faction. The boxer will be grateful and your respect among the citizens will increase. At the same time the Police relations will slightly drop.
Day 13

A large operation is in preparation today. No tickets to issue today. You must focus on various actions that will stop the sect - tear down the posters across the street, scare away the cult members and finally prevent a tragedy.
During the day you will be called to the church. There a little girl will tell you that someone from her family is speaking about suicide. It will be one of the cult members. Check both received addresses. If you wait a bit, you will encounter one of them. Follow him and you will notice that more of them are gathering. Wait until all enter the same place. Then call a random flat, listen to what is going on and break the door to stop them from a mass suicide.
Main plot: the crew will tell you that Angie was found. Go to the pawn shop where you will receive further information. Angie will ask you to come to her in two days.
Mob task: search the car of one of their members. The black car will be parked near 605 around 11-12 AM. Select the correct option and start the minigame. As usually, what you're looking for is hidden under the spare wheel. At 4 PM you can go to hot dog booth to finish the task: you will receive 50$ and +10 Mob relations.
The crew member will tell you that some detective had come to the pawn shop and that he is searching the area. The crew member will ask you to get rid of the man. Locate the black sedan in front of the Hi-Fi/Pawn Shop. Issue a ticket and tug his car. Do it quickly, before he sees you. This will enable you to avoid a great Police relations penalty. You will receive +20 Crew relations and 100% when you walk into the pawn shop. Today you will encounter a few thieves. One of them always appears after 4 PM. You will also encounter Froggy from the Peep Show. He will remind you about your debt. He will tell you that he will need your help tomorrow.
Today you must issue 5 tire tickets. A reminder: you can easily check which car has bad tires - if it left black marks on the street while it parked, then one of the tires is in bad condition. In that case you can issue the ticket without checking the car. From today you have once again three days to pay another higher alimony installment.

Early in the morning go to the peep show (otherwise you will be called there anyway). Froggy will inform you about his idea and explain your role in the operation. First you must look for a good actor. Go to 605/4. You will discover that the man works in doughnut shop. After visiting Makefat Yo'Butts in 631, you will be pointed to the actor dressed as a big doughnut in front of that shop. During the short conversation he will ask you for help. Meet with him after 2 PM. Go to the pharmacy together. You must ask Krank for the drugs. You will meet the well known lady from 621/4. Go to the laundry - you will obtain a uniform for your companion. Dirk will walk inside - he will be there some time. Call the number and speak with him. He will go to the peep show.

A gangster near the pawn shop will have a mission for you - hide packages in mob's cars. The cars are two dark sedans parked near 605 after 2 PM. One of the mob members will be standing outside, so you must arrest him. At this point your relations with the Mob will suffer. Check the plates of the cars. The packages will be hidden automatically. Now you can return to the pawn shop for your reward.
You will be informed about extortions in your area. They will happen in Hi-Fi (633) and Adamski (615).
A mob member near the liquor shop will want you to follow mob's lawyer. Immediately after the conversation a man in a dark suit will appear. Follow him and memorize the places where he went and where he left briefcases. Once he leaves the area, go back to the gangster and tell him where the briefcase was left.
In the middle of the day you will encounter a female journalist near Moonwalk. She will want to cooperate with you. If you find some dirt on your colleagues, you can inform her. You will also meet Yablonski near the pawn shop. You can speak with him.
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