Third week | Description of 21 days of duty
The last week of Beat Cop is filled with plenty of interesting tasks to complete. Below you will find information about how to play the final days of Beat Cop and how to complete tasks.
Day 15

Today you have two main tasks: issue 10 tickets of any kind and find a Mob lawyer. Although ten tickets is a lot, you should be able to do it. Tracking the lawyer will be more troublesome. You must be cautious and react quickly. Before the afternoon you will be informed that the suspect is coming to your area. He will park a red Grand Turbino someplace in the middle of the street (usually in front of 617 - the car workshop) and he will go to the pizza place. Call it in and stay in the area. Once he walks out, he will move towards the blue car. You must call it in before he enters the car. Later you will receive information that he will come from the western edge of the street and will go to 625. Call it in before he enters the flat. Then you will receive an order to arrest him. He can be found in 625/7. Call one of the neighbors and perform the arrest.
Around 9 AM a fire will occur in 611. A woman will beg you to save her child. Run inside and search the flat. Find the target - you will discover that it is a big dog. Select the option to pick up the toy and throw it outside the flat (not into the fire!).
Main plot: Today you must go to Angie. Go to the end of the street and call her home - 633/7. Then call her neighbors - 6 and 8. Then enter the pawn show. It will be a dead end. Later Yablonski will want to speak with you. Go to the phone booth and talk with him.
During the day you will receive an anonymous phone about illegal alcohol in the liquor store. After speaking to Ivan you can make a decision: take a bribe or call it in. You will meet a dealer in front of the 611 building. He will ask you to protect him between 4 PM and 4:20 PM. Stay close to him and decide whether you want to help him or help the Mob.
Near the pizza place you can start a task for the Mob. Go to Moonwalk. There a member of the Mob will point you towards FBI agents in a blue car in front of 625. He will ask you to get rid of them. Issue a ticket and tug their car. Now call 625/2 - you can warn your old friend or convince him to open the door. If you select the latter, you will receive 150$, +15 Mob relations and -15 Police relations.
Day 16

10 parking tickets, 5 cars to tug and you must speak with the liquor store and the peep show owners - these are your tasks for today. When you will have to speak with the shopkeepers, a Mob member will talk to you. He will give you a proposition to use substitute witnesses and convince Ivan or Froggy to cooperation. If you don't agree, your relations with the Mob will slightly drop. If you agree, you will receive 100$, +10 Mob and a penalty to your relations with the locals. A crew member will also be unhappy about hiding the truth (-15 Crew relations).
You will be ordered to intervene in 633/7 where Angie was supposed to be yesterday. What you will find will have bad impact on your fate and the main plot. Go to the pawn shop and inform them what happened.
You will receive a call to a dead man in the alley near the pizza place. Before you go there, you will be stopped by a Crew member who will ask you to gather a few of the Crew's items. Depending on how you act, you can increase or decrease your relations with the Crew by 15 and your relations with the Police by 10. In both cases you must gather three items lying around the body.
A homeless man will speak to you near Adamski's. He will ask you for money. You can give him the money or you can buy him something to eat. Then you can help him find a job in Mattias' car shop in 617.
After 3-4 PM you will receive information about a suspicious gray van. There is a possibility of a jeweler robbery. Run quickly there and prepare for a shootout. Of you neutralize all three criminals, you will receive high respect bonus from the citizens, +15 Police relations and additional 50$.
Day 17
The sergeant will order your group to issue four tire tickets and four light tickets. He will also mention that Yablonski wants to talk with you. You must call him between 11 AM and 2 PM. Today you must have another portion of the alimony money. It's your last call to improve your budget. Obtaining bonus for tickets is possible. Today you will find more cars with irregular tires than lights. Many cars will have some problems today as well. This will enable you to reach the quota faster. After today you won't have to worry about the money. It's the last alimony installment before the game ends.

You will be called to Adamski's. This will initiate a longer task. After speaking with the shopkeeper and his guest you will gain more information about the owner of the pharmacy, Krank. Once you walk into his shop, you will realize that you must obtain evidence. After leaving the shop a homeless man will talk to you and point you towards Krank's car. It's a white Mini Boxer with a blue roof. There are two such cars in the area, the one on the right belongs to him. You will obtain a tape that you can play in Hi-Fi shop in 633. You will learn something and even more if you come tomorrow to Candy's. You should also speak to Norma, the owner of the Moonwalk, about her relations with Krank.
Today a few thefts will happen. You will also receive a call to public disorder on the eastern edge of the area and to graffiti painting. Earlier a gangster near the pawn shop will tell you about thieves. He will want to give you 75$ for leaving them alone.
Early in the morning you can accept a task from the Mob given to you by a man standing near the pizza place. You must protect his companion, who is wanted. He will be hiding in one of the apartments on this street. Once you hear information that your friends located him, you must run to the flat and warn him. If you do it, the Mob will be happy and will reward you. You can do two other things as well. You can arrest the suspect and deliver him to the police immediately after receiving the task. The other thing is accepting the counterproposition from the Crew - you will receive it from the gangster that will appear near the pawn shop after you start the protection. The crew members will be happy to take care of the suspect. Enter the pawn shop and give them the location of the wanted man and you will improve your relations with the Crew.
Main plot: If you call Yablonsky today, you will gain new clues. He will tell you that he has some information about the second burglar from senator's home, Terrance. Go to Rick's and use password "Welles". He will send you to the Russians - go to the liquor shop. They will give you a mathematic puzzle, the answer to which is the flat you must visit - 621/6. There you will meet Terrance who has the second item from the vault. It's a videotape of Senator and Angie having an intimate relation. He will promise to give you the evidence for 500$ the next day in Rick's diner.
Day 18
The plan for today consists of issuing 10 parking tickets and participating in morning and afternoon patrol. If you speak to McNab, you will learn about undercover agents on the street - watch out when taking bribes. Visit Rick's diner in order to obtain the tape from Terrance. You can pay him the sum you agreed on or you can take the videotape and let him leave or arrest him. Check what's on the tape in the peep show in 613. Now you will be able to use the tape at the proper time. Until day 21 you won't have any tasks related to the main plot.

Finish the mission related to Adamski and Krank. Visit Candy in Hi-Fi shop and watch the rest of the recording. You will obtain clear evidence against the owner of the pharmacy. The agents will have a short conversation with you and they will take the tape from you. They will also ask for your help in apprehending him at 4 PM. When you will walk towards the diner, Norma will stop you and she will ask about Krank. You can decide whether you tell her the truth. This will impact the rest of the case. Go at 4 PM near the pharmacy to see the ending of the task. Once all is done, the sergeant will contact you and order you to check Moonwalk. You can decide whether you want to take the credit for the action or to say it was group work (increase of respect of the Police).
One of the Mob members will have a delicate matter. He will wait in 609 near the pizza place. He will ask you to give a lesson to a man that who is the husband of his sister. He doesn't want to do it personally, so he hires you. You must go to 613/3 after 2 PM, when his sister is not home. The man will prove to be quite clever as he reinforced the door. Once you leave the staircase, you will encounter a crowbar "seller". Go to the nearby workshop and pick up the crowbar. Now enter the staircase by calling another inhabitant. Once you finish with the lesson, the happy mob member will reward you. You can choose whether you take the money and receive a small relations bonus or ignore the money and receive +15 Mob respect.

In the morning you will receive a call about an accident in 607. You must talk to the witnesses and try to find the perpetrator. After speaking to the witnesses you must find a green Grand Turbino. It will be parked near the pawn shop. Start checking the lights of the car. A driver will come to you. You can call the Central and leave him be (drop of your relations with the citizens) or you can arrest him (penalty to the relations with Police). Now you can call in the suspicious car.
Near the liquor store you will see a few unknown Black gangsters. When you walk near the pawn shop, one of the local gangsters will ask you to scare away the competition. Now you can go to the ones near 611. You can scare them away as you promised (+10 Crew) or you can leave them and take a bribe.
Day 19

You have 5 parking tickets to issue. In addition to that, you will be tracking and locating three suspicious taxi cars. The police are trying to track cargo smuggled by the Mob with the common service. The central will be informing you about the situation. If a car gets close to your area, you will receive information about it. Once you check the registry plate and are sure that's the target, start searching the car. Next to the second and the third car a Mob member will appear and will want the package back. You can arrest him (you will perform the task of the day) or give him the package (the task won't be fully completed but the Mob will be pleased). The first car will appear in the morning near 607. The next two will appear between 609 and 621 - one of them is the target vehicle. After 3-4 PM the last car will appear. Discovering all 3 vehicles and collecting the packages will increase your Police reputation by 10 points.
In the morning you should hide behind the shop in 633. About 8:30 - 9:00 you will be called to Hi-Fi. If you hide behind the shop, you can quickly apprehend the thief and stop his escape. Tear the posters that promote the adult movie with Dirko before someone calls it in. Today the Mob will perform extortions in the laundry and in the peep show. You will be informed about it around noon. It will be the last extortion during your duty in this area. In the afternoon you will receive a call to 601 about public disorder. Speak to the men who are playing loud music.

There is a crew member near the doughnut shop. He will ask you to track a car with a hidden package. All they know is that the car has Californian registry number. The car will park near the pizza place around 11 AM. It will be a pink sports car parked near 605. The mob member guarding the car will complicate matters. You can speak to him and tell him who sent you: the Crew or the Police. If you select Crew, the man will become nervous and will want to set a meeting-ambush. He will ask you to inform the crew and lure them in. Once you deliver the information, you can keep the treason a secret or warn them. This will end with -20 penalty in one faction or the other, so it's better not to keep it going.
Day 20
Today will be crazy. The ticket quota is 12 of any kind and Froggy will want you to pay the debt. However, after he will ask you to do it, you will no longer owe him anything. You must do precisely what he asks you to do and prioritize it. If you do something differently or ignore the task, the game will end for you.
Froggy will want to record an adult movie in Mattias' workshop. He will inform you about the arrival of the actress and the movie crew at 10:30. Until then you must clear the building. Go to the workshop in 617 and ask the kid to bring the owner. After the short conversation you must wait for Dirk and Froggy to arrive. Now issue a ticket of any kind to the owner of the car in front of the workshop and tug away the car. Froggy and his crew will start the recording - you must guard the area and not let anyone in. Don't walk from the workshop, not even to issue a ticket nearby. You must wait patiently until they finish. In the meantime there will be a few dialogue sections you don't have control of. Once the filming is over, speak to Froggy and your cooperation will be over.

A few thieves can be encountered today. The first one will appear in the boutique. Visit Adamski and calm him down. If you have the Senator's tape, a few people will have propositions for you. In the afternoon you will be called to the church. Father Mushroom will ask you to deal with the kids that are causing ruckus. Obtain the tickets to the cinema to call them down. Walk beyond Hi-Fi shop to 633 and speak to the man in front of the entrance. He will ask you three questions, but in case of a mistake you can try again. The answers are: teleportation, kissing the main female lead, and head. Now go back to the kids and tell the priest that the case is over.
Day 21
The last day is a rollercoaster, during which you will have to run in all directions while racing against time. Today there is a terrorist threat and you will have to overcome the impact of this crisis on your area. If you make a mistake or fail to notice something, you will end the day prematurely and fail. You don't have to worry about the tickets today, just focus on the terrorists. Today you will also deliver the videotape to one of the sides. Go meet with any side. Kelly will remember that he left the recording and he will ask his friends to bring it for him. You don't have to wait, you will receive the tape at the end of the day, around 4 PM in the church.

The first step is getting rid of the posters in the area. Between 8 and 9 AM you will receive a call to a thief, usually on the eastern edge of the street. Walk through the whole street starting from the left and tear the posters. Then go back to Adamski. Finish the short conversation and run to the phone booth on the left side of the street, near 607. Enter the boutique in order to obtain new information. You will talk to FBI. They will order you to meet them near Moonwalk, number 627. After the conversation with the agents you will have one hour of in-game time to find the suspect's car. It's a blue sports sedan Quick Sylark from 1967.

The car you are looking for is parked on the eastern edge of your area, near building 601. Check its registry plate and then walk away from it. Jack will automatically wiretap it and he will inform the agent about the completed task. The agent will tell you that the suspect is to leave the metro. Run quickly and stay in the middle of the street, near the metro (621). Call in the suspect through the radio and follow him. He will enter the peep show. Wait a while and follow him inside. Once he goes out, continue following him. He will enter the boutique. After a moment he will leave in different clothes. Quickly call it in or the day and your reputation will be both over! To make things worse, the radio will break and you won't be able to set the right frequency. After some trouble you will find the frequency of your wiretap in the car of the suspect.

You will learn about a planted bomb. It's in one of the dumpsters - the terrorists had lost it accidentally. You are looking for the dumpster on the right side of Moonwalk. After a short conversation with the Central and minesweepers you will have to disarm the charge. Remember about the order of cutting wires: red, green, blue and amaranth. If you make a mistake, an explosion will occur and the game will end. Once you succeed, you will have to deal with another charge. Marlon, a homeless man, saw everything and will decide to help you. He will observe the metro exit.
Now run to Fahrad's home in 633/9. Call the neighbors and try to break the door. You will find the key under the doormat. Select a place for the wiretap. Tom Cruise's poster is a good choice. Go to Marlon after planting the wiretap - you will be informed that the suspect is nearby. Marlon will tell you that the suspect was in the pharmacy. Go inside to check it. There is another bomb there. First move the canister. Then select the English section in the book. Find the time igniters, the electronic ones and press ALT+CTRL+DEL. You managed to disarm the bomb in the nick of time!
Now all you need to do is safely spend the rest of the patrol. You can also take the tape from the church once you receive the proper information. Deliver it to the faction you choose (your relations with them don't matter) or to the person that proposed an exchange.
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