Inspect the mansion | Chapter three - Churston
Look at the trunk next to the chest of drawers.
Opening the trunk
Turn it left and move the handle up. Remember the date: 1927. Franklin used these numbers as a code to four locks which are located on the frontal side of the trunk. By turning the dial set 1 on the first lock, 9 on the second, 2 on the third and 7 on the fourth.
Now look at the three photos on the cover. Move the photo in the first window down to see another one and then one more. Look at the number 7 written on the photo. Do the same with the photo in the middle, you will see a colon. Do the same with the third photo, you will see number 20. This is the hint to setting the hands of the clock which is above the photos. It's about an hour 7:20, so move the hour hand on 7, and the minute hand on 4.
Then click on the knob (on the frontal side of the trunk) and turn it to horizontal position. Open little doors on the top, you will find a pile of books (including the one about black dragon). Zoom in, click the latch, open the door. There are three bottles with drinks. Open the drawers on the right, in the bottom one you will find an Allen key.

Look at the leaf of the trunk. Zoom in and look at the screw - remember the shape (triangle), you need to choose the right key. Look at the Allen key in the inventory by clicking the hand icon. Choose the last one key and use it on the screw. The leaf will extend, look at two screws and notice their shape (cube). This time choose the first key and use it on the screws.
Leaf will extend once again. Look at the drawing. By moving the rings you need to set a picture of United Kingdom map. You cannot move the middle circle and the rings are moving in pairs (except the ring No. 2 - by counting from the outside).
ring No. 1 turns with ring No. 3,
ring No. 3 turns with ring No. 5,
ring No. 4 with ring No. 2,
ring No. 5 with ring No. 4,
ring No. 2 as the only one turns all alone.
I suggest to start with the ring No. 5 and match the part of the drawing with the part of the drawing in the inner circle. Now, by turning the ring No. 4 match its part of drawing to part from ring No. 5. (notice the different colours - beige parts need to be in one place). Then, turn the ring No. 3 and match its part of drawing to the one on ring No. 4. Don't be bother by moving of ring No. 5 - at first you need to know how to set the beige part from the ring No. 1. Turn the ring No. 2 to match the part of its drawing to the one on the ring No. Next turn the ring No. 1 - this part of the drawing need to be connected correctly with part of the drawing of ring No. 2 - the beige part should be on the left and connected with beige part of ring No. 2. Don't bother that also ring No. 3 changes its position - you will fix it.
So turn the ring No. 3 to match its beige part to beige part of ring No. 2. Then turn ring No. 5 to match its part to the part of the inner circle. Next turn the ring No. 4 to match its part to parts of rings No. 5 and 3. Finally, turn the ring No. 2 to match its part to the parts of rings No. 3 and 1. The right setting on the screenshot below.

Click the red secret hiding (above, behind the leaf). Inside you will find a golden signet ring with a code written on it (1587), take it (10 ego points).
Now go right and look at items on the closet (near exit door; two clues). Notice blue bottle taken out from the box and look at both objects in the zoom to hear Poirot's commentary. Look also at the book 'The Black Dragon's Curse' - turn it to read a dedication.
Finally, open the door (on the right side of the mirror) and go into the Franklin's study.
Opening the cabinet in the study
At first look at the cabinet which is closed by padlock with Chinese symbols. The hint how to open the cabinet is on the beige discs which you can see on the cabinet.
Click on the disc on the top, turn it as long as you hear Hercule saying that the position is correct (on the right).
Three another discs are on the bottom of the cabinet. Turn the first disc to set the symbol on the left, turn the second to set the symbol on the middle right and turn the third to set the symbol on the middle left.
The positions of the symbols are hints how to set them in the padlock. As first set the first symbol from the bottom of the cabinet, as second - the third from the bottom of the cabinet, as third - the second symbol from the bottom of the cabinet and as fourth - the symbol from the top of the cabinet. The right setting is on the screenshot below (4 ego points).

After opening the cabinet (four clues) look at three books on the upper shelf, turn them to see cover. Read the dedication written on the middle book. Notice also hunting equipment on the bottom shelf.
Close to the desk. Look at the hunting corner behind the desk (three clues). Pay attention to impressive collection of animals heads (click on the one on the left), 375 calibre rifle (between trophies) and to tennis racket and shoes (bottom shelf).
Look at both animals heads and read their tags. Remember the symbols and place. Do the same with lion's head (in the hall).
Opening the safe hidden behind the map
Now come closer to the map. Click on its right corner and move the dark golden plate. Put the signet into the hole. Now you need to set symbols of animals located in such points of the map borders that if you draw lines they would connect in the place where a specific species exists.
So in case of the Alaskan Kodiak bear notice that one if his symbols is on the first top plate. The same symbol set on the first bottom plate and on the top right plate. Poirot marks the place where the bear exists.
In case of the African kudu notice that the symbol is on the third top plate (counting from the left). The same symbol set on the third bottom plate and on the last (bottom) plate on the left side of the map. In case of the lion of Sumatra notice that the symbol is on the bottom right plate, so set the same symbol on the top right plate and on the middle plate on the right side of the map. All the plates you need to turn are marked on the screenshot below.

When the safe appears, set the code written on the signet. On the top left dial set 1, on the top right - 5, on the bottom left - 8, on the bottom right - 7 (5 ego points).
Look what's inside (4 clues). On the upper shelf you will find dozen gold sovereigns, shares for Southern Railway and treasury bills (one clue). On the bottom shelf: letter from Lady Charlotte to Franklin, letter from Sir Carmichael to Franklin and school report for Franklin Clarke .
Leave the study and go the lounge. Look at the reproduction of Chinese map which is hanging above the showcases (one clue) and click it (on the bottom) to hear Poirot's commentary. Then look at the showcase on the right (one clue) and notice compass of Han dynasty - turn it to see its frontal.

Then look at the table (three clues). Notice tasks list which Miss Grey left for Franklin, a ceremonial dagger and a statuette of dark dragon (a trophy Black dragon). Each of these objects turn to hear Poirot's commentary.
Look also at the catalogue for Sir Carmichael Clarke's collection (on the round table near the showcase) which you need also turn.
Once again look at the open secret hiding in the cupboard (on the left from the fireplace; three clues). Except the ceremonial daggers and the letter from doctor (about Lady Charlotte's condition) which you have seen before, you will find here also valuer's report, turn it to hear Poirot's commentary (a trophy Telescope).
Look also at the cabinet on the right side of the fireplace. Open it by using the skeleton key (two clues) and check medical records, both the ones on the left - lastly browsed (from A to D), and the dusted on the right (from E to Z).
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