Your and your family members' portraits – A cap symbolises the actual governor or El Presidente. The icon of trip/vacation sometimes appears, when someone is out of the island. Such trips usually influence the person's development, although there is the risk of loosing him/her for good.
Appearance – When we create a new dynasty, the game enables us to customize all the features of our character's appearance. Unfortunately, once you enter the game, you only get the option to change his clothes, colour or accessories like a pipe or a cap.
Swiss bank account balance – This money will allow you to raise the qualifications of your family members or fire those that you don't like. However, the cost of improving their skills is terribly high and it is worth doing son only if the person has been on some kind of a mission, which lowers the cost.
Family member description – The special ability and the level of a person is described here. Every ability influences some aspect of a building locally, when the person is the manager of it, and globally. The global influence is rather minor, but it affects the whole island. Here, you also will be able to view information about missions abroad.
Options, such as changing clothes, levelling up or retirement – Sometimes changing clothes is not enough - some of your descendants are as ugly as sin and the only way to get rid of them is to force them to retire.