Mahakam | Story Battles in Thronebreaker The Witcher Tales Thronebreaker Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: 15 November 2018
In this chapter, you will find a description of the story battles in which you will have to take part while travelling through Mahakam in the Thronebreaker: Witcher Tales game. A video, which shows an example of how victory over the enemy troops can be achieved, has been added to each description.
Boro's rump
In this fight, the player's task will be to destroy the Slyzard Nest. The nest has 75 health points and summons a Slyzard every turn. For each Slyzard eliminated, the Nest receives 10 points of damage. What is more, the enemy hero has the ability to pull additional Slyzards from his deck, which may actually aid you in eliminating the target.
Spring cleaning
During this fight, you must eliminate the opponent (Shaelmaar), and you must also make sure that Brouver does not die. Try to get the opponent's armor down as soon as possible because every 3 turns he will cause damage to your units, equal to the amount of armor he has at the time.
The defense of the old town
In the battle for the old town, you can defeat the opponent either by having an advantage in the overall number of strength points or by eliminating enough of the Nauzicaa Brigade units to give Demavend time to escape. Each destroyed Nauzicaa Brigade unit accelerates Demavend's escape by 1 turn.
The battle of Langbridge
Before you leave Mahakam, you will have to fight one more battle here. This time you will become the target of a Scoia'tael band and you will have to win 2 rounds in order to finish the fight. During the clash, you will have additional Dwarven units at your disposal. You can also count on Brouver's support.