Main Gate - p. 2 | Chapter 1 LotR: War in the North Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Fornost: Free the captive Eagle
After watching the cutscene it's time to fight. There are several ordinary goblins and warriors in the courtyard. Kill a few and then run up to a captured Eagle who's in the middle of the square. Cut the four chains, starting with the front ones to free the Eagle, and then finish the remaining enemies off.
Another fight awaits you here, with a large number of ordinary goblins. The attack will be divided into three waves. First, it will begin by the tent (on the left, when you look at the altar on which the Eagle was imprisoned). The goblins in the second wave will come down the right wall of the building. To make matters worse, single warriors and archers will be attacking you all the time.
The last group of goblins will run out of the left wall of the building. Stop all three enemy waves (the fight will not differ much from what you went through in the tunnels). Then kill the rest of the enemies, namely the warriors and archers. It won't be a difficult task. Fight till you see a cutscene with the Eagle called Beleram whom you freed a moment ago. You will unlock the [ACHIEVEMENT] Friend to the Eagles.
Fornost: Make your way to the battlements
Though you can finish this level at this point, it's better to explore the area first. There is a tent to the left of the place where you began this location, and behind it - a flower. Go there and run into the building through the hole in the wall on the right. Nearby, on the left there's a crate and a mushroom. Further you'll find a lot of crates and barrels by the walls, and also a golden chest to be searched.
Jump out through the window on the right to the courtyard. There's a flower you can collect under the window. Run in the direction of the gate and you'll notice some foot tracks on the right - you'll see them if you play as Eradan. They lead to a flower and a chest you can search.
Now you can head for to the gate. On the left and right in front of the stairs, and also upstairs, there are barrels and crates. You will also come across a teleport that allows you to immediately buy and sell items and also move to a different location (for now you can only teleport to Bree, though it's not necessary). On the left there is a glowing portal that finishes this level.