Game menu in Arena in Valor Arena of Valor Guide
Last update: 10 November 2017
Here you can find info about Game Menu in Strike of Kings:
Main menu
1. Player profile and their level.
2. Shop.
3. Lost of heroes.
4. Arcana - these are items that support our hero throughout whole matches. They can be bought only for the gold obtained in the game. They're divided into three categories - according to the type of enhancement, and three levels - according to its power. The level determines the price. The arcana of level one cost 10 gold, level two - 200, and level 3 - 2000. If you're interested in playing the game more seriously, you should only invest in level 3 arcana. You only get two pages for arcana sets. Each page more will require a payment in vouchers.
5. Talents.
6. Armory - here you can choose recommended equipment for each hero. You can create a set of recommended items alone, or just choose one of the most popular sets (Pro Builds). Check this place in order to keep track of all the items the game offers.
7. Guild
8. Chat
9. Events and announcements - here you can find information about special sales and get some rewards for logging in regularly.
10. Game Guide - useful advice on the game itself as well as on everyday activities.
11. Backpack - your items are here. All the arcana, chests and XP boost cards will be here. You should come here often to see whether you've got any unopened chests.
12. Achievements - a very significant tab. Here you can obtain awards for completing achievements. There are all sorts of these: you account level, a number of games won, or getting the MVP status. Check this place often to get them awards - chests and red gems.
13. Mail - messages from other players and game devs.
14. Friends - you can see your friendlist here. You can add new friends or look for people from your neighborhood.
15. Rankings - here you can find rankings of other players and your friends, according to different stats; victories, victory streaks, owned skins or heroes.
16. Gold, gems and vouchers
17. Game settings
18. Network status
Player info
Here you can find details of your account and outcome of matches.
1. Changing the account's name.
2. Online rank.
3. Game Score - sort of a reputation score. By default it's 100. You can lose points for different, reprehensible behavior, such as:
- 2-5 points for being AFK;
- 3 points if a player reports you, and the system decides it was a justified report;
- 5 if a couple players report you;
- 1 point for not confirming joining a game (plus a temporary ban for joining the queue).
These points can, fortunately, be reclaimed by:
- 1 for losing or wining a game with other players;
- 1 for winning a game with bots;
- 5 points for finishing a game without getting any penalties.
The punishment for low Game Score is locking quick or ranked games. Ranked games are blocked below 70 points.
There's a system of stars that divide players into 3 categories:
- 3 stars: 100 points;
- 2 stars: 60-99 points;
- 1 star: 0-59 points.
4. Remaining stats:
- Victories and awards;
- Most frequent heroes;
- Match history.