Chapter 12 - p. 1 Resistance 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
When you leave the elevator you'll be in a big cave [1].
On the right there's closed door leading deep into the mine. On the left behind the metal door [1] there's a small warehouse. First go to the warehouse for the explosives. In the corner you'll find a chest [2] with the gas bottles. Take one of them and go to the blocked passage.
You need to put the gas bottle near the door [1] and detonate it with the shot. When the passage opens move on. When you pass the short tunnel you'll enter the big cave with a blocked exit.
Go to the room on the right and take the gas bottle. Unfortunately the door you need to blow up is a bit higher. Put the gas bottle there [1] then climb the ladder. You need to pick up the gas bottle again and put it against the door [2]. After the detonation move on the narrow tunnel.
You'll get to the big room with the door on the left. When you try to open it a big monster called the Satan will attack you [1]. You need to scary it by shooting at its eyes and avoiding the beasts' pincers.
After few shots the beast will withdrawn and you can get after it. After jumping down from a small slope take the tunnel on the right [1]. Few beams will stop you [2]. You need to lift them to move forward.
When you pass them, the Satan will attack you from the left side [1]. You need to run to the narrower tunnels. Follow the pastor, go right and turn into the narrow cave on the left [2].
Run until you get on the wooden platform [1]. The beast will see you and throw you down on the ground. You need to stand up as fast as possible and start running. You'll be safe when you jump down from the bigger slope [2].
Move forward, lift few beams and again you'll face the Satan [1]. Run towards it and turn left into the narrow tunnel.
When you open the metal door you'll enter a safe room. There's a narrow tunnel under the stairs [1] which leads to the remains of the small monster and the Desperation note [2].