Wasteland - p. 2 | Vehicle jumps Rage Guide
Last update: 21 June 2019
8 - Science Makes You Crazy
Keep driving towards the Prison. You'll encounter another rocks - drive around them.
Drive to the right and then jump into the abyss aiming at the left from the Kvasir's lab.
9 - Highway Hop
Return now to the highway leading to the Dead City and keep on the left. You should reach the small junction.
The road to the left will take you to the precipice, jumping from which you'll destroy another drone.
10 - In the Basket
Driving from Hagar Settlement to Wellspring you'll move under the high gate. Turn then left and jump over the crater to the left. There is another Authority drone under it.
11 - Crazy
To collect the last drone in this location drive to the Crazy Joe's House.
South from his house you should see the high rock. You have to jump from it to get the drone hovering in the air.