Mission 9 - part 3 | Mission 9 - Davy Jones' Locker Pirates of Caribbean 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Once you've killed all monsters and picked up gold pouches, head on to your left. You will have to take part in an interactive cut-scene (#1). The objective will be to avoid obstacles which are going to be thrown at you, mostly huge boulders. It's not too difficult and even if you make a mistake, you'll be able to repeat the entire sequence. Get ready for the second battle (#2)!
Take out all monsters and go left. Once again, you will have to avoid being hit by some large boulders (#1). Watch out near the end of this cut-scene, because you will have to press the ENTER key twice and you will have to do this quickly. I'm sure that you won't have any problems with other maneuvers. Now you will have to defeat the third group of monsters. Once they're gone, destroy the crates and pick up the final fourth pendant (#2).
Destroy all of the remaining crates and pick up more gold. Once this is done, head on to your left. I guess you won't be surprised by the fact that you'll have to avoid being hit by the large boulders. You will also encounter a new group of enemy units (#1). Kill these guys and go left. You should be able to reach an interesting skeleton very soon (#2). Press the action key in order to free an allied unit. Now you will have to return to the start area.
As you've probably suspected, you are going to be attacked by new monsters on your way back. The first group of enemy units will appear in just a few seconds. Check the first screen if you want to find out where it is (#1). Kill the monsters. Keep moving right. The second group is going to be much smaller, however make sure that you don't get hit too often. Once you've reached the starting area, a new cut-scene is going to be displayed on your screen (#2). After that, this mission will come to an end.
Since there wasn't any boss creatures on this map, you will only have to participate in three standard missions. They're going to be quite easy this time, so make sure to finish them.