Retrieve the Food
From the tower teleport to Mellow Hills. Call your minions and - if you want - kill the sheepies on your left. Walk across the stone bridge you already know. The gate, formerly closed, is now open (#1) so enter the village. There will be some barrels and other junk blocking your way, so use your team to make a pass for you (#2). Then go right.
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Send the guys to look around - they'd love a beer. Watch a scene so you know your current goal: retrieve the food. Walk by an inn and straight to the gate. Let your minions get rid of the stuff again and turn the wheel on the left (#1) to open the gate. There are a few halflings behind it but your fellows will know what to do (#2).
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Pass by the trees and behind the last one you'll see a pass (#1). As you walk further through the grass, new spell will be there for you: a figure with a violet glow (#2). Your minions will carry it to the nearest teleport so you can start using it right away - just follow them for a while and help opening a mechanism to make a bridge so they can get to the place. They'll be okay the rest of the way and will come back to you so go back to the trees (#1) and continue your trip.
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There's a group of halflings in front of you, so - as usual - take care of the stone throwers in the first place (#1). Walk along the path and loot the huts. There's a spawning pit right by the first one (#2) so you can call more minions if you need. Walk down the stairs - surprise! - more halflings and a troll to play with. Just remember how we've done this guy before: side and back hits with the axe, fireballs and withdrawing your minions if you see it's gonna jump. You can always come back to the spawning pit (#2) for more minions. As for the halflings -eliminate the stone throwers first.
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All clear? - good - now it's time for a little reward. There are huts waiting for you to loot them, but the most important is the one in the middle. To enter it just turn the wheel on the left (#1). Once inside, you'll see lots of gold and other precious things - go ahead! It's all yours! - just, you know, send your servants to collect the stuff. Now walk down the stairs to open another door. Oh, there are the halflings again (#2). As usual: kill and loot and when you're done go up the stairs to your left.
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Walk straight ahead, try to kill the halflings in the next room before they wake up and collect the valuables. Now come back to the room you were before and send your minions to break the door (#1) - watch out for the three halflings that will pop out. The entrance in front of you is locked at the moment so turn right and break the jumping barrels (#2). Rats will come out of them, but don't kill them now - they'll help you destroy the enemies hiding down there. Kill them dead and collect the stuff around. Walk up the stairs and go to the next room - on you right.
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Halflings will keep coming out of the opening (#1) so keep an eye on it. First send your minions through it and then turn the wheel on your left. A gate will open downstairs (#2) so walk through it - but before, you can go past the opening (#1) and collect some gold.
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Go left to the room - some peasants will ask you for help so kill the sleeping guards. Now you have to guide your minions (remember, both mouse buttons) so they walk across two wooden platforms and use the mechanism (#1) to release the peasants. In the meantime, take care of the halflings disturbing you there. Follow the peasants to the corridor and to a door locked (#2). Tell your minions to open it, walk through and turn left.
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In the room you'll see quite a pumpkin (#1). Before you destroy it take care of the opening as halflings will be coming out of them to attack you. Then smash the pumpkin - it contains another tower object. Take it to the waypoint so you can control 15 minions! If you need, go up the stairs (#2) to blood pit and spawning pit. You don't have to accompany your minions as they carry the object, so if you wait a while, you'll be able to gather more commando.
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Now, as you walk toward the blood pit, you'll see a broken mechanism (#1) -you have to find the two missing spokes to use it. Open the door downstairs and kill the halflings there and then go up the stairs. Kill the sleeping halflings there, grab the loots and walk through the door behind the vases. Here you'll find the first missing spoke - send one minion to take it to its place (#2).
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Walk along the red carpet (#1) and turn the wheel at its end. Walk back, take the first stairs down, next one up and then down again and you'll see a door open (#2). Enter the room to find the last missing spoke - send a minion to grab it. If the halflings wake up - as one minion caries the spoke - guide the rest to the halfling holes (both mouse buttons) so they won't be coming out anymore. Then follow the minion with the spoke.
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Yay! The machine is fixed (#1). It needs 12 minions to turn it so in case you've lost some, the's a spawning pit in the corridor on your right. Open the gate and come on in. Walk straight ahead break things and call minions if you need more. You'll come to a room filled with halflings (#2). Your 15 minions will make it no problem - just remember to send them to the openings first so more halflings won't come out. After the fight (or in its course if you need) replenish your minions from the spawning pit in the corridor you came from.
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When you're ready, turn the wheel on the right side of the gate (#1) and come on in. Watch out for the butcher cook coming - one is not a problem but soon you'll meet quite a company of them. Walk past some sacks and you'll find mana pit (#2). Pass by some more junk, walk down the stairs and prepare for battle!
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Your minions will know what to do with the butcher cooks (#1), but it would be very kind of you to assist them with your fireball were they in need. The stairs on your left lead to the food you came for. There's a wheel to turn, too, so do it and let minions carry the food to the right place. Follow them and watch a short scene. Now we should be going. You can try finding your way back out, but using the teleport is much more convenient. Go back to the tower and from there go to Mellow Hills. There go back the way here (across the bridge, right, along the path and upstairs) - to where the halflings' dwellings are. This option is better also because you can kill some sheepies on the way - you know - the life force!
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