Biggest Troll in WoW History Destroys an Entire Guild; Erases Tens of Thousands of Hours of Gameplay
One member of a hardcore World of Warcraft Classic guild turned out to be a troll who deliberately caused its defeat in a boss battle. However, he himself claims that it was a well-deserved „judgment day” for the group.

In World of Warcraft Classic the most fun is provided by raids, which can be really challenging, so you need the mobilization of many people for them. Unfortunately, it is not difficult here to find cheaters or trolls who deliberately aim to make the whole thing fail. Some time ago, a pointless failure was suffered by the HC Elite guild, which was led astray by one of its members.
Troll inside the guild
However, let's explain the situation from the beginning. HC Elite is a guild in WoW Classic, which plays in the "Hardcore" mode, established by the community. Thus, players must comply with the server's rules, such as the permanent removal of characters after death and the ban on trading. HC Elite raids, however, did not take place in the official "Hardcore" mode, as it went under testing relatively recently.
The guild had a number of completed challenges, and its members were left with perhaps the most difficult task - completing the Naxxramas raid. In order to do this, one must defeat a boss, or rather four bosses bearing the name "The Four Horsemen".
There were 40 players involved in the raid, but only 4 of them managed to survive thanks to teleportation to a safe place. Why did this happen? One of the guild members, Tinyviolin69, turned out to be a troll who led to the defeat of HC Elite. He was supposed to take care of one of the bosses named Sir Zeliek by attacking him in a corner of the room. He did this for a while, but at one point he forced his opponent to change position, causing the boss' spell to hit dozens of players. You can see the action at the beginning of the following video posted on the player's WoW Classic channel - StaysafeTV.
Since death means, in the case of HC Elite, the removal of characters, tens of thousands of hours of gameplay spent on their progression may have been wasted. After the incident in question, one guild member told WoW-a player Asmongold, that practically every person in HC Elite lost their character for 20-30 days.
HC Elite's deserved defeat?
The troll who contributed to the guild's defeat took part in an interview that was published on the StaysafeTV channel (below). He claims that everything was planned on his part, despite the fact that in the footage, in which he can be seen fighting the boss, he quipped that the changed position was not correct.
Interestingly, Tinyviolin69 said that the guild deserved this defeat and the day of the raid was a "judgment day" for it. He claims, the members of HC Elite did not follow the rules of "Hardcore" servers, which Tinyviolin69 pointed out, predicting that "judgment day" would come as a result. Thus, the troll does not consider what he did as griefing (intentionally making life miserable for others).
Moreover, Tinyviolin69 thinks that the players in the guild were so incompetent that they would not have made it this far without him. However, it's hard to judge whether this is true and whether it was ethical to lead to HC Elite's defeat.