Blizzard Listened to Players and Announced Changes to Anniversary Servers of WoW: Classic
Players of World of Warcraft: Classic convinced Blizzard - the developers will make important changes to the game's anniversary servers.

Based on player feedback, Blizzard has decided to make changes to the anniversary edition of World of Warcraft: Classic. The upcoming Classic Fresh (or Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Realms), set to launch next Thursday, will enable you to embark on new servers (including Hardcore mode with permadeath), based on version 1.12 of the original WoW.
However, following the initial announcement, Blizzard, in light of player feedback, decided to implement three changes. Two of them will be available immediately upon the release of the "anniversary" servers: removal of buffing and weakening restrictions and immediate access to messages between characters on the player's account.
Later on, the developers will introduce arguably the most important modification: dual-class specializations, also known as Dual Spec (Dual Talent Specialization). This will allow the use of two talent trees, between which you will be able to switch.
Players welcomed Blizzard's announcement warmly, although not everyone agrees with the lifting of the buff and debuff limit or the introduction of Dual Spec. The news of an experimental feature in the PvP mode also attracted a lot of attention. WoW: Classic is intended to provide a better balance of power between Horde and Alliance for each "zone tier" (i.e. there were roughly 50 players from both factions in each one). This is supposed to work in a similar way to the War Mode in the base World of Warcraft: The War Within, although the question remains how well it will work in practice.