Wipe in Star Citizen 3.15
Update 3.15 for Star Citizen will bring a wipe. Players will lose everything they have gained in the game so far.

The developers of Star Citizen have announced that with the release of update 3.15 there will be a complete wipe of the game. Players will lose all items, the contents of the wallet with virtual currency and earned reputation. This will be necessitated by a complete overhaul of how items and inventory work. This comes as no particular surprise to players, as Cloud Imperium Games has been announcing the need for periodic wipes for technical reasons since the 3.8.2 update. The last wipe took place a year and a half ago. The upcoming one will be a painful experience for some players, especially those who grind the virtual currency for purchasing expensive spaceships.
One example of the latter is a certain Reddit user who bragged about his newly purchased Carrack. The player purchased it for over 26 million aUEC, the currency in Star Citizen.
He could not afford to pay with real money, because the cost of this ship in the game store is $738.... In comparison, it takes an hour and a half to earn 100,000 aUEC through mining. Mining three hours a day for five days will give you a million. Now you can see how much time it takes to get 26 million... When others pointed out to the player that he was going to lose his ship anyway during the wipe, he replied as follows:
"I'll have something to do after the wipe, lol"
The wipe will not include items purchased from the Roberts Space Industries store or rewards assigned to accounts. No specific date has been announced for update 3.15's release.