Total War: Warhammer 3 Received 5.1.0 Update. Many New Features and Legendary Hero From Hell
Patch 5.1.0 arrived for Total War: Warhammer 3. The update provided players with, among other things, a new mode and Karanak Hound of Vengeance.

The first months on the market weren't the best for Total War: Warhammer III, but after this year's premiere of the three-part DLC, the situation of the discussed strategy clearly improved. The reception of the game may be even better after the huge update 5.1.0 released today, which introduced, among others, new mode or Hound of Vengeance.
Total War: Warhammer 3 - patch 5.1.0
The main character of this update from Creative Assembly is definitely Karanak - the already mentioned Hound of Vengeance. The creature newly added to the game has three heads and is the "pet" of the chaos god, Khorne. His task is to guard the throne room of that ruler. If you want to get the bloodthirsty Hound, you must have a CA (Creative Assembly) account. Without it, you won't get access to Karanak.
The new mode is Conquest mode for multiplayer. It's basically like Land Battle, where enemy armies fight each other, but it introduces a capture point that appears on the map a minute after the start of the battle. If the player keeps it until they score 500 points, they win. Currently, Conquest mode offers 42 redesigned arenas from Land battles; among them are Alpine Ridge, Glacier Lake, and River Amaxon.
The elements mentioned above are just a small part of a huge update. In addition to them, the devs added various improvements, innovations, and fixes to their game. Some of them can be found below, the rest can be found on the official website of Creative Assembly.
- Changes to Domination mode. From now on in this variant, players will face artificial intelligence in non-standard battles.
- 9 new maps introduced. Developers included player-created arenas and also attempted to develop their own projects.
- The changes also included the interface during battle. For instance, the list of displayed maps has subtly changed, enriched with the names of the authors or the studio logo.
- The game's stability and performance have been improved, and the abilities and stats of individual units have been slightly adjusted.
It's also worth recalling that this year the devs plan to release another expansion for Total War: Warhammer III. According to available information, more about it will be told tomorrow by Richard Aldridge, the director of the title.