We Know the Veterans Working on The Witcher 1 Remake

The Witcher Remake is being developed by veterans from CD Projekt RED, who have worked on The Witcher 3 in the past, among other things. We know who some of the experienced developers are.

Adam Adamczyk


It's been a few months now since the announcement that work on The Witcher Remake has begun, and since then we haven't learned much new information related to the game. It is likely that we will have to wait a little longer for news on mechanics, tasks or the world, but there are many indications that we can rest assured about the high quality of the game. This is the impression we can get by looking at the list of some of the developers working on this title.

Veterans work on The Witcher Remake

At the time of the game's announcement, we only learned that "veteran developers" were working on the game, but their names were unknown until now. Fans of Witcher games even conducted a research of sorts, but with poor results, as we wrote about here. Only now have we learned some details.

In a certain thread dedicated to The Witcher on Reddit, one user created a list of people working on the remake of the first installment of the Witcher trilogy, and it turns out, that it includes veterans associated with, among other things, the quest design in Wild Hunt. To be sure that these are not some random names put together by some anon, I searched various sources, including LinkedIn, and it turns out that the people mentioned are indeed working on the remake. Here they are:

  1. Jakub Rokosz - CEO of Fool's Theory. In the past, he was responsible for quest design in the games The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
  2. Dennis Zoetebier - worked on a variety of quests from The Witcher 3, including the beginning of the Blood Baron's plot or "No Place Like Home" - a quest in which you could indulge in an alcohol-fueled revelry with Lambert and Eskel. In addition, Zoetebier was responsible for creating tasks in Horizon: Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West, and holds the position of task design director on the team responsible for The Witcher Remake.
  3. Karolina Kuzia-Rokosz - is also responsible for quest design. In the past, she created, among other things, the romance thread between Geral and Triss in The Witcher 3.
  4. Len de Gracia - on the third installment of The Witcher she worked on models, textures and world architecture, among other things. Her portfolio boasts such interiors as the Vivaldi Bank, Pasiflora, Rosemary and Thyme after renovation, and many others.
  5. Peter Gelencser - in The Witcher Remake he is in charge of world design. In the past, he designed levels in The Witcher 3. In addition to CD Projekt RED, he has also worked for Crytek, studio known for, among other things, the Crysis series.
  6. Katarzyna Wladyka - at Fool's Theory, she holds the position of lead quest designer. In addition to The Witcher 3 she also worked on some quests in Cyberpunk 2077, including the funeral of a certain character, which I prefer not to mention so as not to spoil anything. Out of a nerdy sense of duty, I will add that her name was found in the form of an easter egg concerning an arena master on Skellige in The Witcher 3.
  7. Przemyslaw Tarczynski - in addition to working on The Witcher 3 he also handled some of the quests in Cyberpunk 2077. In the case of The Witcher Remake he holds the position of open world designer.

Of course, it is logical that in addition to the above-mentioned people The Witcher Remake is being worked on by many more specialists. The presence of veterans also does not necessarily mean that the game will turn out to be a hit, but it's good to know that the title is in the hands of experienced developers, to whom we owe many of the climatic moments from The Witcher 3.

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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined GRYOnline.pl, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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