violence Latest news

Callisto Protocol Uncensored Thanks to Ban in Japan
The Callisto Protocol may give rise to a new series. Unfortunately, Japanese gamers won't even see the first game from Striking Distance Studios.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
October 27, 2022

Censorship Details in Martha Is Dead; Masturbation and Drastic Interactive Scenes
We've learned why the game Martha Is Dead, debuting today, has been censored on PlayStation. Sony decided to make this move due to drastic scenes and references to masturbation.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
February 24, 2022

This Mod Turns Combat in The Witcher 3 Into Pure Carnage
The Brutal Blood mod is a treat for fans of gory combat. Thanks to the changes it introducs, The Witcher 3 becomes a game for people with strong stomachs.
Files and Mods
August 2, 2021

Censorship on PlayStation - Sony Edits Violent Content
According to recent reports, Sony has decided to introduce censorship of violent scenes in some PlayStation games. It has to do with the desire to reach a wider audience.
video games
Lukasz Stefaniak
February 23, 2021

Research Reveals: Violent Games do Not Increase Aggression Levels
This is almost a taboo subject for the gaming community - the possible influence of violence in games on the behavior of young (and not only) people. However, the results of the latest, long-term research finally provide a definitive answer to this issue.
video games
Arkadiusz Strzala
December 30, 2020
Ghost of Tsushima ESRB Rating Reveals Blood, Sweat and Buttocks
The American ESRB agency has rated Ghost of Tsushima. The game's entry on the organization's website reveals that we should expect a lot of violence and - how else - naked buttocks.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
June 23, 2020
„Cycle of Violence” - What Lies Behind The Last of Us 2?
Before the game's launch, we managed to meet Halley Gross, co-writer of TLoU 2, and talk to her about the topics the new game from Naughty Dog will revolve around.
video games
Matthias Pawlikowski
June 1, 2020

Joe Biden's Controversial Opinion on Dev of Games „That Teach How to Kill”
In an interview with the New York Times, the US presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden called one of the game developers working in Sillicon Valley a „little creep” who „came up with games to teach you how to kill people.".
video games
Bart Swiatek
January 20, 2020

Death Stranding According to ESRB: Violence, Nudity and Shooting Babies
The ESRB has given an age rating to Death Stranding. The description reveals that we can expect a lot of violence, naked buttocks of the protagonist and (accidentally) shot babies.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
October 8, 2019
CoD Modern Warfare - ESRB Reveals Gory Details of the Campaign
The story campaign in Call of Duty: Modern Warafre will be full of authentic, brutal scenes. This is at least what is clear from the description prepared by the ESRB organisation, which revealed on its website the reasons for awarding the game with an „M” rating (over 17 years old). Watch out for spoilers!
video games
Darius Matusiak
September 16, 2019
Trump Administration Wants to Monitor Phones of Mentally Ill People
Donald Trump's government is considering a new proposal to combat mass shootings, whereby the phones of people with mental health problems would be tracked to prevent acts of aggression.
hardware & software
Paul Wozniak
September 12, 2019
Walmart Hides Violent Games and ESPN Drops Apex Legends Tournament
Walmart ordered its employees to remove violent video games from the display, and ESPN cancels Apex Legends tournament broadcast. Both were caused by the recent shootings in the United States.
video games
August 9, 2019
Witcher 3 on Switch Without Censorship
The American ESRB organization has added a description of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the Nintendo Switch console. It shows that the title will offer the same content as the previous editions of the Polish bestseller.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
August 9, 2019
Expert: „Games as Responsible For Shootings as Bananas For Suicides”
In connection with the tragic events in the United States, comments have been made that the responsible for them is a „culture of violence”, which is to be manifested, among other things, in video games. Scientists from the universities of Stetson and New Virginia have debunked this thesis, hard.
video games
Bart Swiatek
August 9, 2019
CoD: Modern Warfare Takes Flak for Authenticity
The creators of the new Modern Warfare came under criticism when they revealed that civilians, including women and children, could be shot at in the game's story campaign. On the other side, however, there are players waiting for a breath of fresh air in the COD campaign, who do not want the game censored before its release. Are we in for a repeat of Six Days in Fallujah?
video games
Darius Matusiak
June 14, 2019
All Red Dead Redemption 2 news in a nutshell
Single protagonist, Dead-Eye: Extended Edition, and blood all around – these are just a few features Red Dead Redemption 2 has to offer. As the release draws near, Rockstar breaks its silence, and we gather all the news.
video games
Mathias Zulpo
September 20, 2018
Assassin's Creed Origins is the most explicit game in the series
Assassin's Creed Origins seems to be the most explicit game in the series so far. ESRB rated it M and tagged for Blood and Gore and Nudity among other things.
video games
September 6, 2017