Trump Administration Wants to Monitor Phones of Mentally Ill People

Donald Trump's government is considering a new proposal to combat mass shootings, whereby the phones of people with mental health problems would be tracked to prevent acts of aggression.

The American government wants to control people with mental illness.

Donald Trump Administration is considering another proposal to combat mass shootings. The new method would be to track phones and smartphones belonging to people with mental health problems. The project was conceived by Bob Wright, a former head of NBC and a long-term trustee of Trump.

Wright's team came to the conclusion that there is a strong link between mass shootings and the mentally ill. Their thoughts are set out in a three-page document in which the government is encouraged to investigate whether technology can help to combat violence. According to Wright's team, modern devices could detect when people with mental illness are threatened by an outbreak of aggression.

Marisa Randazzo, former chief psychologist at the United States Secret Service agency, said that this proposal was quite worrying. Above all, this solution violates civil liberties, and the technology to be used is still in a very early stage of testing.

After the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton in the USA, the government is trying to find the reasons for the escalation of violence in the country. According to the authorities, one of the reasons is the everpresent aggression in video games, but this thesis is contradicted by genuine science. Donald Trump has presented an action plan to combat violent games. He also announced an improved response to dangerous content appearing on the web, or flagging of dangerous patients with mental disorders.

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