Star Citizen With Free 12-day Trial Period and a Big Update
Star Citizen will soon let us test the latest changes to the game for free - and for 12 days. The game has received a major update called Call to Adventure.

From May 19 to May 30, Star Citizen players will be able to participate in a special event called Invictus Launch Week 2953, which will be held at Area18 on the planet ArcCorp. The Free Flight Event will allow for testing of Star Citizen completely free of charge.
The event is an annual military exhibition showcasing the newest and most advanced spacecraft of the UEE Navy, the navy of the United Empire of Earth.
Major update 3.19.0 - what's new
Meanwhile, Star Citizen has received a new major update numbered 3.19.0, titled Call to Adventure. It introduces many changes, innovations and features, such as:
- a redesign of the city of Lorville on the planet Hurston, which, among other things, improves the scale and appearance of buildings;
- a fresh experience for new players that introduces them to the world and basic game mechanics of the Area 18 and Baijini Point locations;
- recycling missions that recover parts and materials from abandoned spacecraft using a tractor beam;
- a PvP mission at the Ghost Hollow in the Stanton system, where players must fight for control of credit terminals;
- the ability to detach and attach items to ship ports using the tractor beam, which can be used to replace, repair or replenish components or missiles;
- the RSI Lynx planetary vehicle, which is ready to go and explore.
Star Citizen alpha version 3.19.0 is now available in the LIVE environment and can be downloaded via the game's launcher. It is recommended to delete the USER and Shader folders after installing the update, especially if you experience graphical problems or crashes when loading the game. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) in: C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%Star Citizen.