Shining Revelry brings shiny Pokémon to TCG Pocket next week
In a surprise announcement, the next pack for Pokémon TCG Pocket is set to arrive next week and it will introduce shiny Pokémon to the popular card game.

Today, in a surprise announcement, The Official Pokémon YouTube channel shared a trailer for the next Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket themed booster pack. The pack is called Shining Revelry, and it will be introducing shiny Pokémon into the game. For those unfamiliar, a shiny Pokémon is just like a regular Pokémon in every way, except in color. Shiny Pokémon are a rare occurrence in the main video games, normally there is a 1 in 4096 or 0.0244% chance of encountering one in the wild. Not only is this new pack an exciting and unexpected announcement, but it is also great to see this mechanic introduced to the popular digital card game.
Shiny Pokémon arrive in Pokémon TCG pocket next week
The new trailer is under one minute long but showcases many of the pack’s highlights. A shiny Charizard, which is exactly like a normal Charizard, but all black instead of all orange, graces the cover of the pack alongside other shiny Pokémon. The new pack will become available on March 27th, which is just a week away. Previously, dedicated fans have been aware of upcoming packs thanks to leaks, but today, few fans saw this coming.
According to the trailer, other shiny Pokémon featured in this pack will include Lucario, Pachirisu, Beedrill, Varoom, Wugtrio, and Wigglet, but likely others as well. Some other non-shiny Pokémon were also shown, which confirms that this won’t be an entire pack of shiny Pokémon. It will be interesting to learn more about the rarity of the shiny Pokémon cards. It’s not yet clear if cards will have normal and shiny counterparts, or if certain cards are guaranteed to be shiny. Will the shiny Charizard EX from the trailer always be shiny? Or is there a normal counterpart? If The Pokémon Company decides to approach it this way, it would fit with the way shiny Pokémon functions in the games, though it could be a frustrating hunt for collectors if the odds are that low.
Aside from the new shiny Pokémon, this new pack, Shining Revelry, will also feature “Pokémon originally discovered in the Paldea region,” via a press release from Pokémon’s website. Paldea is the region featured in Scarlet and Violet, and a fan favorite, the grass cat starter Sprigatito appears in the reveal trailer. The protagonist from the original games, Red, also appears as a Trainer card alongside Iono, the electric-type gym leader from Scarlet and Violet.
With only a week until this new set drops, it’s time to start saving pack hourglasses. Shining Revelry will become available just one month after the last pack, Triumphant Light, which launched on February 27th. If Pokémon TCG Pocket can keep up this release frequency, it’s bound to continue on the path of success it’s already found itself on. It definitely helps make the long wait to trading updates easier to bear.