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News video games 11 August 2020, 22:14

author: Karol Laska

Sam Fisher is the New Operator in Rainbow Six: Siege

The protagonist of Splinter Cell joins the roster of operators in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege. His arrival is announced by a short trailer from Ubisoft.

We did not expect such a return of Agent Fisher.

Ubisoft boasted a few dozen seconds long trailer announcing Operation Shadow Legacy, the upcoming big update for Rainbow Six: Siege. The biggest attraction of all the upcoming novelties seems to be a new operator - Sam Fisher - known from the Splinter Cell series. For more details, we have to wait until Sunday August 16, when the finals of the North American championship will take place.

Karol Laska

Karol Laska

His adventure with journalism began with a personal blog, the name of which is no longer worth quoting. Then he interpreted Iranian dramas and the Joker, writing for cinematography journal, which, sadly, no longer exists. His writing credentials include a degree in film studies, but his thesis was strictly devoted to video games. He has been writing for Gamepressure since March 2020, first writing a lot about movies, then in the newsroom, and eventually, he became a specialist in everything. He currently edits and writes articles and features. A long-time enthusiast of the most bizarre indie games and arthouse cinema. He idolizes surrealism and postmodernism. He appreciates the power of absurdity. Which is probably why he also tried soccer refereeing for 2 years (with so-so results). He tends to over-philosophize, so watch out.
