Rescue Orin's Victim Bug in BG3 Fix
While performing Rescue Orin's Victim in Baldur's Gate 3, you may encounter a bug that prevents you from completing the task. In this guide you will learn how to solve it.

One of the tasks in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 is Rescue Orin's Victim. Although two months have passed since the game's release, it still has a bug that prevents its completion. In this guide you will learn how to fix it.
Warning. Below you will find spoilers from Act 3 of BG3. Read at your own risk.
BG3 - bug in Rescue Orin's Victim
At a certain stage in Act 3 of BG3 you will learn that one of your companions has been abducted by Orin. Your task is to rescue the victim. To find the place where your companion is being held, you must do one of two things:
- kill Gortash;
- complete the Investigate the Murders task.
Once you reach the Murder Tribunal, you will have to confront Orin and her allies. After it is over, a cutscene should begin. However, it may happen that the game will not play it. In that case, the quest will not appear as finished in the journal. As for the rescued companion, on the other hand, they may return to the camp (and be a playable character again) or (worse) simply get stuck in the location.
There are two actions you can take during combat that will reduce the chance of this error occurring:
- Free your companion during the skirmish.
- Kill all of Orin's allies first, and only at the very end kill the antagonist herself.
- Save the game just before the end of the battle.
If, despite this, you couldn't avoid the bug from appearing, you are left withloading the game. This action should be repeated until the cutscene starts.
Those interested Baldur's Gate 3 are also invited to read our guide.
More:Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough