Origin Access - subscription service by EA - launches on PC
Electronic Arts introduced Origin Access subscription for PC, which is a local counterpart of Xbox One’s EA Aceess. For 5 dollars a month you can play some of the most popular games available on Origin.
PC players can now subscribe to Origin Access, a PC counterpart of EA Access, which has been available on Xbox One since August 2014. Origin Access offers unlimited access to selected games via Electronic Arts’ digital distribution platform for $4.99/L3.99 per month. Besides, subscribers get a 10% discount for all purchases in Origin and can try out EA’s new games before their release. Right now the service is live in several countries: USA, Canada, UK, and Germany – more regions are to follow. Here is the current list of titles available in Origin Access:
- Battlefield 3
- Battlefield 4 Digital Deluxe
- Battlefield Hardline Digital Deluxe
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 2
- Dead Space 3
- Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
- Dragon Age II
- Dragon Age: Inquisition Digital Deluxe
- FIFA 15
- Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
- The Sims 3 Starter Pack
- SimCity
- This War of Mine
In other words, you can play any of these titles as long as you pay the 5-dollar subscription. It seems to be a neat deal, especially if you don’t have a habit of returning to games you finished once. The list above should incease in the coming months.