News 04 July 2020
Star Wars Squadrons Will Offer Customizable Cockpit and HUD
The creative director of Star Wars: Squadrons has confirmed the option to customize spaceships in multiplayer. He also announced that conservative fans will be able to easily turn off the visibility of these modifications.
video games
Krzysztof Kaluzinski
July 4, 2020
Battle Brothers - Blazing Deserts Expansion Gets Release Date
Overhype Studios announced the release date of Blazing Deserts - the third and biggest expansion for Battle Brothers so far, inspired by Persian and Arabic culture.
video games
July 4, 2020
Satisfactory - Sales Results on Steam and Epic Games Store
A representative of Coffee Stain Studios revealed exactly how many people bought Satisfactory on Steam and how many on Epic Games store (where it was a temporary exclusive).
video games
July 4, 2020
New Zealand May Save Lord of the Rings and Cowboy Bebop
Streaming platforms try to bypass the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic and move the sets of their productions to New Zealand.
movies & tv series
Karol Laska
July 4, 2020
Sony Wants to Acquire Devs of Warframe and Gears Tactics
Sony is considering acquisition of the Hong Kong-based Leyou Technologies, which includes Digital Extremes (creators of Warframe) and Splash Damage (co-creators of Gears Tactics).
video games
July 4, 2020
Horizon Zero Dawn Takes Top Spot on Steam's Bestseller List
It was enough to reveal the release date of Horizon: Zero Dawn - Complete Edition on PC for the popular game to reach the top of Steam's bestseller list. Guerrilla Games' work needed less than 60 minutes to achieve it.
video games
Krzysztof Kaluzinski
July 4, 2020