Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 6 Changes Horse and Donkey Behavior; Underwater Gorges Return
Minecraft 1.18 has received its latest snapshot, which brings more changes to terrain and biome generation. Mojang has also introduced a new way to lure horses, donkeys and llamas.

Mojang does not slow down and releases another test version of Minecraft. numbered 1.18. This is the next stop on the way to the release of the second part of the big update titled Caves & Cliffs. The latest snapshot, numbered 6, changes the behavior of horses and donkeys and brings back underwater canyons, among other things. Swamps, on the other hand, will also be generated in dry areas.
This is not the end of the tested changes, which are to appear in the latest update for the world's most popular sandbox. A lot of attention was paid to the issue of generating rock formations, underwater tunnels and biomes. New mountain areas are now to better match the temperature in a given place. The generation rate of groves and snow-covered slopes will be more closely linked to the weather conditions. In addition, aquifers under rivers and oceans are to connect more frequently to underground tunnels. This means that there will be a greater likelihood of finding cave openings on the ocean floor that do not end in a "dead end".
The behavior of horses and donkeys has also been changed. These creatures will now follow players carrying golden carrots, golden apples and enchanted golden apples. This is meant to make it easier to ferry these four-legged companions across deep rivers. In turn, a sheaf of hay will serve to control llamas.
These are just some of the changes waiting for players in the latest snapshot. The full list is available on the official website of Minecraft, while the file with the snapshot is available here.
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