Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w37A Tests More Caves & Cliffs Novelties
Mojang is done with experimental snapshots from Minecraft's big update. Snapshot 21w37a is now available for anyone willing to test out the new mountains and caves from the second part of the Caves & Cliffs Update.

Players have had plenty of time to enjoy the new fgeatures from the first part of the Caves & Cliffs update for Minecraft. However, it's time to check out the other - and undoubtedly much more important - of the announced changes. We're talking about changes to the world generation, which are part of snapshot 21w37A. To test it in Minecraft Java version, you should activate the snapshot in the "Installations" section. However, we recommend that you run the snapshot session from a separate folder or make a backup copy - otherwise you risk losing your world in Minecraft!
Formally this is not the first opportunity to test what's new in the 1.18 update, but so far it's only been available as an experimental build. Now players can play with the new mountains and caves as part of a "normal" snapshot. There is only one "but" - for now the snapshot requires the creation of a new world. Mojang is already working on an appropriate fix.
In addition to new height and depth limits and a cave generation system (the de facto main attractions of the Caves & Cliffs update) snapshot 21w37A introduces new biomes, including overgrown and dripping caves and grasslands. A new ore distribution model and larger ore variants have also been implemented. There are also some minor fixes, including an option to disable screen flickering during a thunderstorm, as well as some bug fixes. The full list of changes can be found here.