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News video games 28 May 2021, 13:19

Minecraft 1.17 Pre-release Now Available - Return of Candles and New Achievements

The release of the Caves & Cliffs update for Minecraft is fast approaching. The game has just received the 1.17 pre-release update.

  • Minecraft received the 1.17 pre-release update;
  • It introduces bug fixes and new achievements;
  • Candles are also coming back to the game.

The release of the highly anticipated Caves & Cliffs is getting closer. Proof that Minecraft is currently on the final straight to this important update comes with the release of 1.17 pre-release update. This means that from now on the developers will only focus on fixing existing problems, and we will only see new content with the full release of version 1.17.

The just published pre-release introduces very small changes. The most noticeable is the long list of bugs, which have been fixed. The developers have also introduced 11 new achievements to the game. Candles also return and their textures have been slightly refreshed.

The patch notes are not long, but we must remember that this is just a stop before the main update, which is Caves & Cliffs. The latter will introduce new block types, mobs, as well as changes in world generation. In the long run Minecraft will also be enriched with new biomes and a bit more realistic mountains. The first part of the update will launch this summer.

Przemyslaw Dygas

Przemyslaw Dygas

He published a lot of news on, some reviews and a few articles. Currently runs the site and serves as a junior SEO specialist. He first published journalistic texts on his private blog; later he took up writing seriously when his news and reviews ended up on a now non-existent film portal. In his free time, he tries to keep up with the premieres of new strategies and RPGs, unless he is replaying Pillars of Eternity or Mass Effect for umpteenth time. He also likes cinematography and tries to visit the nearby cinema at least once a month to keep up with the movies he is interested in.
