Leak Confirms GeForce RTX 2070 Ti

A new Turing-based GPU appeared in UserBenchmark's database – GeForce RTX 2070 Ti. Performance-wise the chipset takes a spot between RTX models 2070 and 2080.

Leak Confirms GeForce RTX 2070 Ti - picture #1
Nvidia is preparing another product.

Wccftech reports that the UserBenchmark database contains information about a new design from Nvidia. The website's editorial staff believe it to be the GeForce RTX 2070 Ti that was rumored about last October. The performance of the model is between the RTX 2070 and 2080.

Leak Confirms GeForce RTX 2070 Ti - picture #2
New chipset versus RTX 2070. Source: UserBenchmark.

The specification of the mysterious chipset looks very unusual. Leak from the database suggests that the GPU will have a slightly lower clock rate than the two RTX models (1590 MHz) and... 7.5 GB of VRAM. It is worth noting, however, that such a strange value may be the result of an error.

Leak Confirms GeForce RTX 2070 Ti - picture #3
Possible specification of the mysterious GPU. Source: UserBenchmark.

However, the appearance of such a model on the market seems quite probable - the difference in both performance and price of the 2070 and 2080 RTX is so big that another product will easily fit in the gap. What's more, it's worth noting that AMD Navi GPUs are likely to debut on the market in the summer. Hiding an ace up ones sleeve for this occasion would a sensible move for Nvidia and a strategy that the company has successfully used in previous years (similarly to the GeForce 1070 Ti, which competed with Radeon Vega 56).

  1. Nvidia - official website
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