Intel Core i9-10900K vs Ryzen 9 3950X; Difference of a Few FPS
Comparisons of Intel Core i9-10900K and Ryzen 9 3950X have appeared on the web, showing that the difference in performance is not as significant as we had expected.
Chinese TecLab group has published comparison of Intel Core i9 10900K, Ryzen 9 3950X and Ryzen 9 3900X processors. The testers claim that the processors are retail goods, so there is no possibility of special customization by the manufacturer.
In the case of Core i9-10900K, we are dealing with a 10-core, 20-thread CPU with clocks that reach up to 5.3 GHz in Boost mode. In the other corner we have Ryzen 9 3900 X with 12 cores and 24 threads and Ryzen 9 3950 X with 16 cores and 32 threads.
Test results for games favor Intel, but the advantage is not huge. The differences are about 3-4%. AMD is doing much better in every other aspect, taking into account rendering, video encoding and many other features where the number of cores counts.
Power consumption and temperature are also crucial here. First of all, tests show that the temperatures reached by Intel are at such a level that a 360mm AIO water cooling is pretty much a must.
Below are the results of the benchmarks conducted by TecLab. Overclocking comparison will appear in the near future, and for more reviews and tests we have to wait until the embargo expires.