How to get items from Hello Kitty Island Adventure Deluxe Edition

Having bought Deluxe Edition of Hello Kitty Island Adventure may leave you wondering where all the bonus items are. Here you will learn how to claim them.

Aleksander Kartasinski

Source: Hello Kitty Island Adventure, Developer: Sunblink

Times when mobile games were standing out form their more developed and graphically advanced counterparts on consoles or PC are long gone. Nowadays, many titles created for Android or iOS devices are nearly indistinguishable from productions on more powerful machines, especially if they are not striving for photorealism. Just recently, we have welcomed Hello Kitty Island Adventure on computers and Nintendo Switch. The biggest fans of this feline have bought the Deluxe Edition, only to find out that the bonuses that it offers are nowhere to be found. Worry not though, as here you will learn how to receive them.

How to claim Deluxe Edition items for Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Hello Kitty Island Adventure makes its way to a wider range of devices to bring joy and coziness. While we still have to wait a bit longer for PlayStation and Xbox release, we can already enjoy it on PC and Switch. If you are one of the players who purchased the Deluxe Edition, you might wonder where the bonuses that it offers are. It works a bit differently from most other titles.

The Deluxe Edition offers 3 bundles that can be unlocked by completing specific quests in the game itself. It goes as follows:

  1. Deluxe Event Bundle – unlocked by completing Comic Relief and Fish Noir quests,
  2. Deluxe Starter Bundle – unlocked by completing Power Up The Gate quest,
  3. Deluxe Crafting Bundle – unlocked by completing Reboot the Robots quest.

Also, it’s worth keeping in mind that if you think about upgrading to the Deluxe Edition, it is now possible. Developers have announced on their official Discord channel that:

Due to the game’s overwhelming popularity, Valve actually contacted us to see about improving the flow. As such, we’ve been able to work together and make it so that Steam players can now upgrade from Standard to Deluxe.

Hopefully now you have all the information necessary to get all the goods that you’ve paid for. Have fun!

Hello Kitty Island Adventure

July 28, 2023

PC Mobile Nintendo
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Aleksander Kartasinski

Author: Aleksander Kartasinski

Just a random from the depths of the internet who happens to be interested in video games like millions of other people on this planet. By sheer luck he was given a chance to write about them. Worked in IT department and supported users for way too long, but also given a chance to do some IT magic on a large scale in his free time. Interested in technology, games with intriguing mechanics, etymology, and linguistics.