How to Get Deadlock Invite to Join Playtest
Many people would like to test Deadlock, the newest Valve game. You have to be invited though.

Deadlock is an upcoming MOBA created by Valve. As we know Gabe Newell’s company rarely releases games after the great success of Steam because of that each of its new titles is awaited with excitement and curiosity. While the developer is remembered for its single player games like Half Life and Portal, nowadays it is known mostly for multiplayer titles such as Counter Strike, Dota and Team Fortress, Deadlock will be the newest addition to this collection. However, right now access to this production is restricted. You have to get an invite to take part in the playtest.
How to Get Deadlock Invite to Join Playtest
To take part in the Deadlock playtest you have to get an invitation. You can get it from Valve itself. However, we are not sure whether the company still sends them. The most certain way of obtaining one is to get an invite from a person who got the access earlier (you have to be friends on Steam). Of course, the problem for many people is to find such a player.
Because of that, there are many threads on Steam and a megathred on Reddit with people who send invitations to others. So, if you are lucky, you may get one. Of course, at the same time, watch out for potential scammers. We are sure that some people will want to use the situation to their advantage, so be cautious.
It is unknown when Deadlock will be released, but taking into consideration the fact that Valve allows so many people into the game means that the time is quite near (consoles are another story, though)