Player From Nowhere Shows the World How to Play GTA 4; He'll do the Same With San Andreas

A little-known streamer has accomplished what was though almost impossible - he completed the hardest possible GTA 4 speedrun. The player went through the game in less than 6 hours, without receiving any damage.

Michal Ciezadlik


Source: Rockstar Games

Sometimes we hear that someone has set a new speedrun record for Super Mario Bros, half a second better, but this GTA speedrun was out of the spotlight until recently, which is strange given the scale of the achievement.

The record in question was set by a streamer by the handle Droo, who completed GTA 4 the most difficult way possible. He accomplished this more than a month ago, but due to low recognition we find out about it only today.

GTA 4 taken apart

How did the streamer manage to do this? Let's start with the fact that the entire task was performed with the OHKO (One Hit KO) mod, which made even the slightest damage equal to main character's death - the smallest fall, collision, the lightest gust of wind could thus take Niko Belic to the grave.

The task was not easy, and polishing the game's playthrough to perfection required many, many hours, as the streamer himself admits (via PC Gamer):

"It took me an estimated 1,500 hours. I started playing in January 2021 and completed it on June 11, 2023. (...) When I first started playing the No Damage mod in January 2021, basically everything I was good at [in GTA 4 - ed] was stealing cars and shooting people. I didn't have an in-depth knowledge of any of the game's internal mechanics, and in fact I never even expected to need as much knowledge and experience as I eventually did. Moreover, at that point I was still getting used to playing GTA 4 using the keyboard and mouse."

The entire run took Droo just under six hours. Virtually the entire run required the streamer to be incredibly creative - not only in completing individual missions, but also when it came to moving around Liberty City - after all, every interaction could be potentially deadly: colliding with another vehicle, hitting a pedestrian who starts shooting at us, or alerting the police in any way.

Droo had plenty of tricks prepared in his arsenal; exploiting fast travel by using a cab to teleport to a place not normally accessible, triggering a cutscene to eliminate enemies from the area (after the cutscene with one of Niko's girlfriends ends, the game "clears" the area of enemies), and many, many more.

Droo admits that he does not intend to stop at GTA4 and is already planning a similar challenge - this time in GTA: San Andreas. Certainly, this speedrun will get much more publicity than the previous one - and not just not a month after its completion.

Grand Theft Auto IV

April 29, 2008

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Michal Ciezadlik

Author: Michal Ciezadlik

Joined in December 2020 and has remained loyal to the Newsroom ever since, although he also collaborated with Friendly Fire, where he covered TikTok. A semi-professional musician, whose interest began already in childhood. He is studying journalism and took his first steps in radio, but didn't stay there for long. Prefers multiplayer; he has spent over 1100 hours in CS:GO and probably twice as much in League of Legends. Nevertheless, won't decline a good, single-player game either.

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