Google Drive Will Automatically Delete Our Files From the Bin

No more storing files in the Google Drive bin forever. Under the new rules, data older than 30 days will be automatically deleted.

Karol Laska

No more spam in spam.

The official Google blog informs about upcoming changes related to automatic deletion of files that are in the bin for more than 30 days. They concern Google Drive, although they were previously used on the occasion of Gmail, for example.

Until now, the files we considered to be spam were stored in one place and we had to dispose of them ourselves. Some people just didn't do it, which led to a huge amount of useless data.

Google will inform all users about upcoming changes with a digital banner. However, if someone ignores the message and loses an important file, they will be able to report to the administration, which has the ability to restore the deleted data within 25 days of cleaning it. The new rules will come into force on October 13, this year.

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Karol Laska

Author: Karol Laska

His adventure with journalism began with a personal blog, the name of which is no longer worth quoting. Then he interpreted Iranian dramas and the Joker, writing for cinematography journal, which, sadly, no longer exists. His writing credentials include a degree in film studies, but his thesis was strictly devoted to video games. He has been writing for Gamepressure since March 2020, first writing a lot about movies, then in the newsroom, and eventually, he became a specialist in everything. He currently edits and writes articles and features. A long-time enthusiast of the most bizarre indie games and arthouse cinema. He idolizes surrealism and postmodernism. He appreciates the power of absurdity. Which is probably why he also tried soccer refereeing for 2 years (with so-so results). He tends to over-philosophize, so watch out.

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