Google Assistant in U.S. Starts Displaying Ads

The latest update of the Google Assistant has the program displaying ads in response to some user queries. Whether the feature will make it to all language editions of the Assistant remains to be seen.

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Google's Advertising Assistant.

Google has brewed an update for its AI Assistant. The patch brings a number of useful tweaks, such as a new style of displaying answers, which makes them clearer and more interactive. Unfortunately, not all changes are going in the right direction - the program began to show ads in response to some queries. On the screens, you can see how it works in practice. It is worth noting that the new version is currently only available in the United States.

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Advertisements in Google Assistant. Source: AndroidPolice.

It is worth noting that the idea was tested by Google in the past. In February, one of the users of the application reported that it began to display advertisements in response to various questions. He shared his observations via Twitter, drawing the attention of several technological websites.

Google offered a statement regarding that situation, but it contained no specifics.

We’re always testing new ways to improve the experience on phones, but we don’t have anything specific to announce right now.

Knowing the Internet users, placing advertisements in answers to questions is unlikely to be considered an "improvement in experience." However, the company has already proved that it is able to back off unsuccessful ideas under pressure, so an appropriate response from American users may be crucial here.

  1. Google Assistant - official website
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