FF7 Rebirth - Search for Protorelic Clues and Expose the Hiding Bandit
Are you Searching for Protorelic Clues and can’t find them? We will tell you how to expose hiding bandits in FF7 Rebirth.

While doing Coastal Lookout in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you will find a lighthouse. This impressive building is also a place to complete Search for Protorelic clues. Many players stop at this point, as it is not so obvious what to do next. We will tell you how to finish this objective and expose the hiding bandits.
FF7 Rebirth - Search for Protorelic Clues and Expose the Hiding Bandit
When you come closer to the lighthouse, the objective to Search for Protorelic Clues appears with a hint to Investigate the area. It is difficult, as the gate is closed. Worry not, though, there is a large hole in the fence (to the right of the gate). It is enough to use it to be on the lighthouse grounds.
It is not over yet. The next part of the adventure is to find hiding bandits. It is also not a difficult task if you know what to look for. Facing the gate, turn left. Near the closed door you will be able to see yellow ladder (to be more precise metal rungs). Climb them, to the top of the building.
At the roof you will find some bandits. After a short conversation, the fight will start. They are weak to fire, so using this element should make the combat quite easy.
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